Do Liberals hate the U.S.? Some how conservatives have gotten the idea that I, for one, hate my home country and want to destroy it. Do these conservatives think that I am making things worse for myself while I'm doing all this "nasty" stuff? It doesn't appear so. What do you think about this aspect of conservatism?
as an air force vet, it makes my blood boil when i see how conservatives have hijacked patriotism, as if liberals are somehow ill and certainly not capable of being patriots. i'm politically very active on twitter, and whenever i get trolled for my liberal views i send the attached definition and ask them, in all seriousness, "what's wrong with this word??"
i've yet to get a response.
Thanks for that definition, I'm saving that! As an Air Force vet myself, I know exactly what you mean.
Thank you for your service. I'm an Army vet and proud liberal. I need to save that definition.
Thank You for your service and sacrifice, my son is a 4 year USAF vet that volunteered for Physical Security Duty in Afghanistan. Navy retired myself.
Thank you very much for the idea!
Conservatism has always had but one purpose – to protect the wealthy and empowered by whatever means necessary. For example, the fundamental meaning of conservatism has always been the resistance to change, but now as their wealth has increased to unprecedented levels, conservative manipulators like the Koch Brothers have moved so far as to even change the meaning of the word ‘conservatism’.
Liberalism has a long history of opposition to conservatism, but the body conservative has been busy convincing those it dupes that they are in fact the ones with the liberal values, clutching to the Founding Fathers and the Constitution as things holy to them. They make a good point – the Founding Fathers were all liberals fighting against conservatism and their Constitution was supposed to remain a living document – with an ability to adapt to control the corruption enabled by the conservative ongoing, not something obscured by political appointments of Judges as it is now. And there is very little chance to change the Constitution as long as money rules . Surely this was not the intent of our Liberal Founding Fathers.
One conservative I knew was setting up a book study and the topic was going to be "our Judea-Christian heritage." So any books not supporting that idea would not be included. I think one of the biggest mistakes made in more recent times is the inclusion on our coinage of "In God We Trust." This is a talking point on which I always have to correct conservatives. While there were some Christian founding fathers, there just as many who were simply deists and believe in not having a government established religion. Thank you.
@I_dont_know 1 Oct 1957 was a stupid day. Strange that we were just fine for 181 years before that slogan was "coined". Disturbing how democracy has gotten much weaker since.
Liberals are just as self serving as conservatives. I can not support either party. I am an independent.
I am critical of the sins of my country. I don't consider myself a liberal and I don't worry much about labels anymore.
My (slightly drunk) uncle told me to my face that I "hate America" because he witnessed me fail to place my hand over my heart during the pledge of allegiance (which was performed in church--but that's at least twodifferent stories for another time).
I don't automatically chalk it up to his conservatism. I chalk it up to his being one of those people (hint: it's most) who will eagerly seize upon anything to confirm their own biases--without looking past the surface, thinking about it, or even realizing what they're doing.
In this case I'm already an entitled, pseudo-intellectual, commie pinko, socialist, wannabe revolutionary libtard--not putting my hand over my heart just proves it.
Liberals do this too. Everyone does this. It's not a this-kind or that-kind thing. It's a human thing.
"Hating America" may be a prepackaged thought-bite that appeals to the conservative palate--just like "hating immigrants" (or the poor, or minorities, or LGBTQ, etc.) appeals to the liberal palate. It's all weak-minded heuristics.
I keep away from anyone--of any stripe--who engages in such nonsense.
You really have a good handle on this subject. Well said
I - as usual - can only speak for myself. I am pretty darned Liberal (although admittedly I have a bit of a personal-responsibility/Libertarian streak as well) and have been as long as I can remember. I have (although not in the last 10 years) periodically crossed over and voted for reasonable moderate Republicans, but I am pretty consistently voting for the more Liberal candidates and taking Liberal viewpoints.
Any time alleged Conservatives question whether I hate my country it gets my blood up. I love the country of my birth. I just want to see it consistently better than it has been. And in my opinion, better would include a bit of judiciously applied regulation, progressive taxation, a Government that sets a solid backstop on how badly its citizens and legal residents can fall without a safety net, and where the real "Golden Rule" applies.
For example - how many low-income kids, or infirm elderly, or legitimately disabled could we cover for what it is going to cost to build that idiotic wall on the border with Mexico? How is giving my two next door neighbors (a couple of excellent people who happen to be gay men) a legal right to marry each other (should they be so inclined) going to hurt anybody else's marriage? I could go on but I would guess I am largely preaching to the choir here.
So no - Liberals don't hate the USA.
I think conservatism is fundamentally anti-constitutional. That is, they spout support of the constitution and the support of freedom, but pick and choose what they choose to support and outright press religious perspectives on the members of the public and hat don’t share their perspective. However, there is a continuum.
The Radical right, seems to hate liberalism.
The irrational or reactionary right has an "America -- love it or leave it" attitude. In so doing, they are not being patriots, but are laying the potential seeds for American decline.
I love my country so much that I am willing to criticize it for its flaws and mistakes, so that we can strengthen and improve our country and its democracy. My intent is to accomplish something for the good of us all -- not to vilify those who disagree with me.
I recently saw several newspaper articles on teen weddings. In most states, there is a minimum age for marriage. The parent of the child can sign off on a marriage contract for someone as young as 14(?)! Why do I bring this up? The articles were talking about girls who had been raped and the parents signed for the girls to marry their rapists! So, if I criticize this, will I get a reaction from the Right? America, love it or leave it!
How about we dispense with the labeling and have true representatives who care about what their constituents want. This is called democracy. What the "patriot" conservatives what is more money and are willing to create policies that grant them this. And to have some morals is "liberal" and is taboo. I was born in this country and was taught the ideals of our forefathers and they are not being lived up to.
That's absurd and labeling it as anything but rightwing mythology only furthurs it. Similar to feeding trolls - don't do it. Waving the biggest flag and shouting the loudest doesn't make one a patriot.
When push comes to shove, and sometimes it does, the rightwingers are the first to put party and themselves above country. We witness a brilliant demonstration of this in the revolting but self serving presidential regime in power in the United States right now and in the "conservative" Republican congress that services and excuses it.
FYI - these people are not actually conservatives. They are radical statists, who knowingly or ignorantly serve rich moneyed interests.
I think there's a logical fallacy involved here (a kind of straw man argument?) that evestrat touched on in an earlier comment. When our constructive criticism of America (i.e., constructive patriotism) acknowledges that the country's reality doesn't measure up to its national mythology, conservative blind patriots exaggerate this criticism to the level of hatred of the country or even treason. However, pointing out logical fallacies is out of fashion these days, especially with the group in question here....
I've seen quite a few liberals who hate America, they told me they did. I think they are a vocal minority though. There are conservatives who think that these types of liberals typify the group, but again, they are a vocal minority.
Exactly my point. There are extremists on both sides. I think the rest of us, the sane people, need to start rebuilding bridges.
So what did these liberals say about hating America and where did you see them? It isn't just one thing is it? I don't think it is possible to hate America in it's entirety.
There's one guy that I went to high school with that is a communist. He says the USA is completely backwards and he hates everything about it. There are people like this all over the internet.
Being that right wingers are the ones that want less social programs and government, I think it's they who want to destroy what America is. I see them as hypocrites when they talk about government bloat, but then you hear them wanting a higher military budget. They complain about the poor having programs to help them, but they seem to be in favor of every advantage for business owners and corporations. We can go all day with these hypocrisies.
If we asked those that hate all these "entitlements" if they are willing to help those who are physically handicapped, I wonder what they would say?
@I_dont_know , if they or their loved ones were handicapped, they would say, "Well, that's different". Otherwise, they don't care.
@I_dont_know Oh, I've heard some of them say that people who can't take care of themselves or contribute anything should die.
Conservatives think patriotism is blindly following country right or wrong. Our definition is more like, trying to make the country an even better place to live as opposed to just moving away. Trump supporters are a different breed. They are not conservative. They are saying this country is not great, we kill people too so why be down on tyranical world leaders?, our institutions are not important and we need an "outsider" to single handedly "make America great again" by any means necessary, democracy be damned. They are not even conservative. They are fascists.
I recently read “The Righteous Mind,” which talks about 6 different basic moral instincts. Conservatives place much more importance on loyalty (to our “team”/side/country) and respect for authority. Liberals are people who value care/empathy over all else. Liberals think of challenging an unjust system as holding our country to its ideals. Conservatives are more likely to perceive questioning the status quo as disloyal to the country.
Great point! To me it seems a religious devotion to authority/country and it as though liberals are the "misbehaving bother/sister" who should be told to behave!
I think the vast majority of Americans, no matter what politics they claim to support, just want what's best for America, and we've all been told different ways of how to get that. The three primary problems are 1) There is no control group, meaning that it's impossible to objectively tell if any given action will have a positive or negative effect on a community vs not taking said action; 2) There are so many different ways to interpret the data that by the time anybody reaches a consensus, it's almost a moot point; and 3) there are entities (people and organizations) that are threatened by accepting certain things as facts, and they are doing their level best to sow confusion in order to prolong their own profitability and/or existence. Sadly, these entities exist on both sides of the political spectrum, though it seems like the world is finally starting to see them for what they are.
It is just a part of seeign things in terms of black and white. If you aren't with them, then you are against them, and so they demonize you, to try to make you look bad.
It is evident from anyone who has bothered to fact check such conservatives that they have a very warped revisionist idea of history and beliefs in general.