I recently had a religious person try to give credit to god when it was me who signed myself up for the gym to lose weight for the sake of my health. They tried telling me,” Well god knew you had been wanting to lose weight.” It makes me so irritated when they do that, you know? I just told them to please not give credit to somebody else when it was me who decided enough was a enough and got on track and got serious about my health. I’m pleased to say that I’ve lost 30 pounds within 6 months for attending my CrossFit classes five days out of the week and still attend class because I want exercise to now be apart of my life. I just want to know what all of you think.
It is great that you wanted to lose the weight and wanted to be healthier. That is all you and not a imaginary friend that should get the credit. I would be annoyed as well, if someone did that to me. Try to ignore the fool who did that or report them to somebody if necesary . I'm trying to back on track with my exercise and hope to 30 to 50 lbs. some day be down to healthier weight.
You can do anything you put your mind to!
Did you hear this one? The poor widow kept saying God would provide—even when she ran out of groceries. Her kind, atheist neighbor bought groceries and left them on her porch. Upon finding them she ran to the neighbor and exclaimed, “See! I told you God would provide!” He responded, “That wasn’t God. I BROUGHT YOU THOSE GROCERIES.” She replied, “Oh, it was God, all right; and he made the devil deliver them for me!”
Well done on all the love and care that you are showing yourself.
Religious control freaks are making the results about themselves and their beliefs, instead of the real people. It's a self centered way of saying it was their power that did magic. Pisses me off so much.
I was so incensed when a woman I know posted on FB her thanks to her god for doing her heart transplant . Not a word about the hospital, doctors, nurses or even the dead person or her family that donated the heart that is beating inside her.
I was disgusted and posted a thank you to those people.
Delusion is contagious. I always wonder how I can trust these people's judgment.
Again, keep up the great work.
Excuse my language...but what the actual f***?!!!
Since there is no god, feel free to take ALL the credit for the results of YOUR hard work. Good job!!!
Oops! Almost forgot to answer your question. I will usually say, "Get the fuck outta here with that shit. Your god did nothing because your god isn't real!"
Love your boldness! Hahahaha!
If that happened to me I think I would like to have said, "Next time please tell your god not to make it so hard for me to do it."
Priceless comeback!
I struggle daily with biting my tongue with one of my closest friends and climbing partners who is a ridiculously religious Christian. Sometimes, I don't bite my tongue and it's awkward. I feel believing in a diety is not only ignorant but can be quite judgemental towards people who don't believe in the cloud people.
Nice job!
When I went to Med School the admin representative for the school walked up to me and said “god brought you to us.”
Now keep in mind this is a large university and medicine!
I was instantly furious, however I kept my composure and replied “lady Jesus didn’t take my tests to get here. I did.”
About 10 years ago, i had a stroke. It was ALL ME that worked so hard to recover. Not god. Its one of the things that bothers me about religion. Nobody should get any of the credit except me! Well, my family and friends were pretty great. But not god. Rant over!?
I used to get really upset. But eventually I didn't care if people want to thank god. What changed was I decided my deeds didn't need validation to matter to me. I also get a kick out of secretly being an evil athiest, unbeknownst to the unsuspecting Christian I've helped. I'd like to one time smile and nod when they thank God or prayers then say "Nope, I'm an athiest and just like to be nice."
Annoyed enough that if it's an effort that I've delivered on that I'll take all the credit. Should the religious person get mad, I'd mention that God inspired me to do so much on this effort, and not to take credit for myself would be to disservice it's divinity.
I deal with religious church folk all the time, music gear to help them brainwash the congregation... I get all the, thank the lord and various comments... I recognize the delusion but it’s not my delusion, so whatever... when they say god bless you after selling them a bass guitar I respond with, have a nice day... I don’t need to pretend to be religious, they are being courteous in their own way and I’m being courteous in mine. Then I go home and do heathen stuff
I like to think they're just thanking me personally.
I've seen that kind of thing at the homeless shelter I volunteer at.
A church group will come and bring diner for every one, when asked the'll say, "we are doing gods work".
And all I can think to say (but I hold my tongue) is that, no, you do this because you are a good person, and like to help people. God's got nothing to do with it.
Today I mentioned my insomnia to a co worker, how I wake between 2-3 am. She informed me that across all the major religions the time between 2-3 is a "divine time" in which we are closer to God and that maybe someone is sending me messages.
Y'all. I actually managed to keep my mouth shut!!! If restraint were a super power I'd be Wonder Woman!
Ya know...I was reading some stuff on chakras and lucid dreaming, and even the new age shit goes with this. 3:33 am is supposedly really importing for something or other.
Congratulations on all your hard work losing the weight. I have a very poorly prepared student who is hoping that God is going to get her through the course. She got 5% on her last exam. He's not helping much. I find it sadly unrealistic. It probably gives people an excuse for not trying.
Where it really bothers me is when someone makes it out of a natural disaster. It's like they are saying that they were more deserving of God's help than all the people that died. It's a horrible position to be stating in public.
Yes! That’s always bothered me! Like the people or person that survive is so much more special and favored than anybody else!
Happens in sports all the time. Even several comedians poke at not praying hard enough if they lose. I get annoyed at it as well, especially when you were the one who worked on it. Great job on losing weight by the way. Hope you're well on your way reaching your goals.
How can they take the credit away and try to give it to their imaginary friend? Same people probably thank god for that parking spot, or finding their keys when they were looking for them. It's endless how some people can relate superstitions into everything. If it's good, it's a blessing from god. if it's bad, your being tested or punished by god. People are just being taught that their not responsible for their actions. It's always someone else's fault! Drives me nuts!
I work in a hospital. This is a daily rage stroke for me.
This may sound horrible, but I couldn’t save the life of a religious person without being tempted to just let them die and let them put full trust in their god.
@EmeraldJewel yeah I see the temptation, but I do try not to get fired. And anyway, do you KNOW how much paperwork that would be?????
@Emerald haha true!
Kudos for going to the gym! Feel free to drive northern Kentucky if you need a workout buddy.
Wow great work on your health. That isn't an easy thing to do.
It is very frustrating hearing that after all the effort, training, qualifications, experience one goes through to accomplish whatever it is that the religious person just belittled.
However, it is (partially) understandable when you realise that it is because of their ignorance and belief combined.
I'm ashamed to say that when I was young and brainwashed, I used to say that. It was the best way of saying "well done" without the evil ego getting in the way. Ego apparently always goes against god (think Babel). Apparently god smites those who are proud in their hearts. So, one should never say things that would infer that the human did it by themselves. That's the belief, sadly.
On that rationale God guides and motivates serial killers and paedophiles
Congratulations on you determination and achieving the great results - I know how much it takes.
The case you describe is so infuriating. Interestingly it means that the declared "free will" did not exist in your case - you were just being manipulated by God. So you as a person do not exist in their view. No respect for you. Very sad. Your feelings are justified.