Just for fun, have you taken the Myers-Briggs personality test?
If so, what's your result?
INTJ seems to be a popular one. As a few people are noting though we must take these results with a grain of salt. Personality psychology is a field that doesn't have much weight to it because of how variable human personalities are between things like life events, stress, or even the weather. While this can give a person some insight into themselves, many places use it like a kind of horoscope. As a test, I would just recommend it to writers to help them solidify their characters but nothing else meaningful.
Deep into the INTP realm... I'm broken. At least most people who meet me probably think I am.
It was the focus of a leadership conference I went to. I thought it was a load of rubbish, the explanation of what it was about and why we needed to do didn't make sense to me, it seemed almost like a cult or religion. I didn't do the test despite several follow up reminders, when the manager that introduced the test left, so did the Meyers-Briggs. It's a lucrative business based on interpretations by unqualified people of outdated Jungian notions.
INTJ. I fit it nearly perfectly, with just a few points a bit off mark, or only true of my past self.
I’ve always enjoyed personality profiles, even astology. A lot of people poo-poo such things because they get different results and blame the tests. In my opinion, it isn’t the tests at fault. It’s the test takers not fully understanding themselves, and misrepresentating their personality. I don’t mean this as an insult or self-aggrandizement. Honest, unvarnished introspection is hard, and we are all prone to misapprehension and self-deception. A perfectly accurate test requires perfectly accurate answers.
I took it 30 years ago and was assessed to be ENFP. The E (extraversion) is only slightly this side of the extravert/introvert divide. I need my alone time, too.
I've heard more recently that there is absolutely no scientific basis to Myers-Briggs and that people's personality types are known to vary depending upon the day they took the test. I did find it somewhat illuminating, nevertheless; certainly, it's a hundred times more accurate than astrology.
I almost always have tested as very (>90% E,N,F, and P) enfp, so... have to wonder about that counter statement. The exception is I am much more cautious at work and can test less extroverted and more structured there. It's an act, though, that I cannot maintain too long.
The closer you are to each of the four poles, the less likely that your type will vary. However, there are plenty of people who are borderline in one, two or sometimes even three categories. MustardSeed just posted above where he is borderline in both E/I and P/J, with the result that he has turned up with four different personality types over the course of time.
I wasn't intending this as a criticism, merely as an observation, because much of the corporate HR world takes Myers-Briggs very seriously. That's where many folks first hear about it, and there's a tendency in those circles to treat it as scientific, which it most definitely isn't.
I've done it a couple of times, different results each time. I don't remember what they were. I'll do it again and see what I get.
Personality type: “The Logician” (INTP-T)
Individual traits: Introverted – 64%, Intuitive – 71%, Thinking – 54%, Prospecting – 65%, Turbulent – 72%
Role: Analyst
Strategy: Constant Improvement
I think I've gotten this result before.
I took it a very long time ago. It was part of a battery fo tests to try to help me figure out a diraction career wise, to help me choose amjor for college. It really didn't help. My interested are too varied and wide spread and the choices were overwhelming. A part of that is because beign raised religious, i was pretty sheltered from the world. I am pretty intelligent, but my upbringing left me ignorant about what was available to me, and so at the end of a battery of tests I was left with a lot of choices most of which I knew very little about. So, there I was gogninto adulthood and was frozen like a deer in the headlights because my upbringing did not prepare me to face and live in the real world.
I had a very similar experience, re: not being prepared for the world - the choices of like/dislike, affinity/aversion were exactly that - overwhelming. I grew up learning to like what the person I was speaking with liked so I would be accepted. (Took years and still growing to know myself . . and it Never stops . . Life is wonderful that way
I've done it in the past, and I just did part of it again. I find it accurate, and hopefully it is more than just the power of suggestion.
ESFPs make up about 5% of the population.
Outgoing and popular
Enthusiastic and fun-loving
Warm and generous
Flexible and exciting
Naturally curious and optimistic
Live in the present moment