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How many of you attend services, but are agnostic?

While I question Scripture and the nature of a possible Supreme Being and "prophets," I still attend services for the thoughtfulness and reminder of ethics, fellowship, and charity to others. Who else attends services and finds the experience pleasant and fulfilling?

Adam_Gaha 4 Oct 4

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I attend services maybe once or twice per year just to appease my family who are church goer’s but refuse to become a regular as I can’t stand to much of the religious bullcrap. I have no problem with religious folks as most of them I know are good people and consider them to be a lesser threat than the left wing liberals as long as they leave me out of their religious nonsense. The liberals on the other hand are a grave threat to free enterprise and our way of life as they seem to be drifting sharply to the left with the rise of the likes of Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and Bernie Saunders.

@OwlInASack I’m afraid we could never agree on what constituted abusive or polluting.


I don't attend services. In the last 30 years I have attended a church service for one wedding and 5 funerals.

My son's cub scout meetings were in a church but no praying or clergy involved.


I have been known to do it on occasion but it never goes anywhere or "sticks" if you will, even though I have done it at loosey-goosey liberal churches and not at fundamentalist institutions I grew up in, which I absolutely could not abide.

I find it a tedious and crufty way to find community. As my social needs are pretty modest, I'd never do this left to myself. But my wife is trying to find her way into a circle of friends and I try to be supportive of her in that. It's just that it always proves more complex and irritating even for her than it's worth to her. It seems as if liberal Christianity and post-Christian groups like the UUs just substitute political dogma or classist ideations for religious dogma and then form cliques around it. So it ends up being the same sort of irritating game-playing I remember from my fundamentalist salad days ... just in a somewhat different guise.


Typically no i don't but i have gone if a friend or relative was singing or something.


Have my car serviced regularly ?


I have not been in any church since the age of 9. I am 48 yr old next week . My father used to sign us off the days that school will takes us to church when young , thank u dad !
Weddings and funerals are not for me , not only bcz religion rituals and the whole clown show irritates me , but bcz i don't see how neither can be anything else than private affair . I send a gift to the newly weds and I try to find something useful to do for the ones in grief .
. Back in 1997 I was expected to attend my youngest sister in laws at that time catholic wedding . ..
Well . U only live once . Either u stand for your ethics and morals and beliefs and ideas , either Not . I was going to be at same room w priests and other clowns and accept w my silence that this service is valid . I ve met the family at the party afterwards and that's that ?

Through my nursing career , on nurses week ( hideous celebration , we don't need a celebration for doing r job !), most of hospitals I worked and work they bring a clown / chaplain to perform " the blessing of the hands ". And I am laughing . I get the email every May to attend . So gods can bless my hands to perform my work ..
pls just send me a bottle of anticeptic instead . I can assure u , much more useful for any post op client who went through my hands ?


I don't. The last time I went to the church it was for friends wedding in Poland. That one was the best ever. The priest seemed to be good craic, telling jokes in the middle of the service. Unfortunately, I couldn't understand a word, it was in Polish.


I attend a Unitarian Universalist congregation. There is no creed or expectation of theism.

UUNJ Level 8 Oct 5, 2018

I have attended around Xmas to hear the music, but not for several years.


I attend meetings at my Masonic Lodge, That's the closest I get to attending services.


CEWF - Christmas, Easter, Weddings, and Funerals.
I like the pageantry, the decorations, the music of Christmas and Easter. It reminds me of my roots, where I came from. It also solidifies where I am by listening to the priest/pastor because while I went through the motions and said the words, I didn't believe them, I questioned them and got in trouble questioning.

As for Weddings and Funerals, out of family and friend obligations.


Well, I go to weddings and funerals if those count.


I may be interested in attending a universalism church but even that seems too spiritual. I hope as agnosticism catches on a larger sense of community ensues and instead of attending churches we can attend communities.


i do not regularly attend services; i like certain ones, especially the high holy days (as they are called). but i am not an agnostic. i am an atheist.


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