Since, most don't believe in ghosts and other silly stuff that goes along with the holiday. Do we still observe some of it for the children. I rather ignore it like the rest of the religious holidays.
I observe it by turning off all the lights and hiding in the back.
I only had one or two kids stop at my house anyway and I can't have candy in my house. Buying candy for the few people that would stop by makes no sense, so I just pretend I'm not there.
You do you! I've been an atheist my whole life and I still go all in for christmas and halloween. I don't like easter traditions so I don't bother with them (although i've entertained the idea of a treat hunt for the dogs). Holidays are whatever you make them. If you want to ignore it, that's awesome too.
I like Easter based on the old meanings. Life and rebirth. I love Spring.
@Angielove I live in Florida. We don't have seasons.
@Angielove Well that's very kind of you to say. Florida can be beautiful in the same way the flames that dance over a dumpster on fire might. Personal opinion.
Hahahaha!!! It’s just like Matt Dilahunty said,” Don’t think you’re wrong for wanting to have fun just because someone tried to take that fun and slap their Jesus all over it.” All holidays should just be a way in life so live to the fullest!!!
I participate in whatever holidays are upon us in myriad ways -- all except for the religious aspects -- whenever I feel like it. Trick-or-treating was fun when I was a kid, and I think my daughter enjoyed it when she was a kid. Sure, it's silly. But, fun, friends, family and gatherings are good silly.
Yep. Just because you don't believe in a deity doesn't equate to you being banned from celebrating whatever you want. I still celebrate Christmas and easter as well. They're holidays and a great time to get together with family and friends. Live it up!
Its a much bigger thing in the US but we do have it here. Firstly it is not really a Christian festival. Like all the major holidays it has been usurped be the church. In the same way a big company will sponsor a large sporting event.
Festival of death makes sense when leaves are turning and dying. The end of summer, the equinox and a damn good excuse for a party.
Halloween isn't a Christian celebration. You van be an anti theist and still be religious. You can worship nature.
It's a well known atheistic ritual founded on our "Faith" of Evolution.. it's the best season and astrological day to eat all of the babies.. yes pumpkin spiced babies.. deliciousness.. #sarcasm..
Mmmmm. Pumpkin spice bebes. Yum!
@OpposingOpposum MMMMMMMmmmmmmmm......reminds me that I had my first piece of (seasonal) pumpkin cheesecake (this year) at The Cheesecake Factory a few days back. Soooooooo good!!!
No offense, but that’s one of the silliest questions I’ve ever heard. As if celebrating Halloween is contingent on believing in ghosts.
I love Halloween! Costume parties, candy, love it.
I put up a few decorations and hand out chocolate bars to the kids. I have a Wiccan pentagram t-shirt that I wear that defines the 5 points. Maybe just to annoy the parents since I live in a city filled with churches but there is some significance to their meaning too. Some scholarly writings have noted this is a celebration of the Celtic New Year.
I do! I'm only 5'1" so I can even get away with trick or treating. All these holidays, including Xmas & Easter, have roots in 2 or more belief systems but I don't pay any attention. It's all about the chocolate. Decorating & making costumes for the kids is fun too. Last year one was a microwave oven & won the costume contest at school.
Second most important holiday in my life! Halloween is a lifestyle!
Shit yeah. Candy and spooky stuff and an excuse to dress up and/or be as slutty as you like? I was born this month so its like october throws me a second belated birthday party every year. I don't actually dress up n do much celebratin myself usually but I like the candy n movies n excuse to creep oneself out. The whole fall season is my favorite celebration in a rural community: beautiful leaves, perfect weather, fall festival n harvest season, apple butter, hayrides, corn mazes, haunted houses, thanksgiving feasting. I participate minimally if at all in most of it (except the apple butter, gimme!) But it's a great aesthetic. A celebratory time to enjoy the fruits of life and a simultaneous reminder of the certainty of death. No finer equinox for a pagan to celebrate.
Isn’t Halloween another holiday that that religion tried to steal from pagans? I celebrate the original intent.
I think your right that the religious fools took it for there own.
Well, I think it would be more accurate to say one religion stole it from another religion.
See my comment above
It's my second favorite day of the year. My disbelief has no affect on my love of dressing up in costumes, or loving the macabre decorations... It's the one day of the year you get to pretend to be whomever or whatever you want and nobody gives you a bunch of crap for it... Just candy. You get candy for being someone else for the day... Win win.