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If you were asked to submit a song for a porn soundtrack, what song would you add?

Set the mood. I'm going with a Chef song from South Park. You know, Chocolate Salty Balls. I think it'd be great right smack in the middle of the soundtrack.

I'm not sure if this is going to be kinky or funny, but hey... good times.

silvereyes 8 Jan 30

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AC/DC Big balls

One night in Bangkok also crossed my mind.


Salt N Pepa's "Push it"

Push it good LOL

...Push it REAL good!


Great one! We are building one hella good play list.

I'd never actually watched the video before. Very nice. 🙂


Ask and you shall receive...
Lords of Acid.

Gotta check this one out.



What! Nobody said "Closer" by NIN. Probably pretty much anything by early Enigma as well

No kidding!

Oh shit, you're right. "Closer" would be great


This song is the best make-out song I've ever heard.

I remember "love to love you baby". still play macarthur park too... but make out? clothes got to come out man... she was Amazing. Those were the days of guys with vans with water bed in it. No motel needed if you knew where to park. And no scare of aids or herpes. We lived life.


Past Benatar: Hit Me With Your Best Shot.

You'll shoot your eye out kid!

Stacy's Mom

Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap

My mantra


wrote this about 4, 5 years ago... I go shit for everything I guess.

soundtrack for a stripper's life

don't you know...?
not allowed in paradise
don't just take your clothes...
and dance
only pole...
is in the firemen barge
by the river's bend
and women not alowed onboard inside
at the pier are met
in here you are safe

nobody cares
what you've been through
to arrive in here
this is paradise

don't beg for money
in here nobody's uses cash
and plastic not allowed
is paradise
don't you see...?
there's no bank

when the lights dim
and the music slow down
if the spotlight points at you
doesn't means you must go wild

in here we don't need to fantasize
this is paradise

i stopped writting music
quite a while back
but the way you walk
rides this beat... hard

don't you know...?
not allowed in paradise
don't just take your clothes...
and dance

if you asking what is that on my pocket
is old change from my other life
but to see you I am glad
you can have it...
i won't need it...
in paradise

i see you passing by
baby don't turn your head
to give me that evil eye
you riding this beat too hard
as you grin...
and then smile
your eyes already
focusing in another shadow
beside mine
baby you still riding this beat too hard

to everybody's delight...
in paradise


I want to come up with something funny, but that part of my brain isn't working right now. So, I'll just post this instead (NSFW):

There must be something wrong with me because I have no shortage of songs coming to mind LOL

seewhatididthere? lol


Venetian Snares: "Mutant Cunt Sniffer"

Jnei Level 8 Jan 30, 2018

Magic carpet ride...


"Ring My Bell" -Anita Ward

'Knock on Wood' Amii Stewart 😉


I saw them about 4 months ago, as good as they were 25 years ago.


Okay... I know this question was not meant for me so I'll go with the Hookie Pookie. LOL

Betty Level 8 Jan 30, 2018

Yeah! Shake it All About!




I think of old vintage porn. Where the saxophone and bongos play when the man opens the door and says Hi!!!

Boom wack a wack a wack Boom!!! Wack a wack a wack.

Then the lady says Hi!!! Boom wack a wack, then you figure out the rest.

The good stuff...

Gag Reflex from Dead Cross


It would depend on the movie the soundtrack were for, but if it's just soft porn with a tad bit of kink, it would have to be Velvet Underground's "Venus in Furs":


This song is also known as "Closer"

@silvereyes You've got good taste!


Lita Ford "Kiss Me Deadly"


I would say the song that gets the most erections is the Star Spangled Banner. If you can't get up for it, you are in trouble.

jeffy Level 7 Jan 30, 2018



Here comes the boom for sure

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