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Do you have divorced gloves?

I have a bin of divorced gloves. Right-handed. Soft, black leather. Looking for a match.

As a leftie, I remove my left glove to tap in a PIN. Or sign in at the high school. Then I sally forth, leaving the left glove behind. All alone. Poor thing.

By retracing my steps, sometimes I find my left glove.

Against all odds, I spotted my black glove on a black carpet, squashed against a black divider. I knew I wore gloves into the bank! After scouring my car and the pathway. And asking people in the waiting room if they were accidentally sitting on my glove.

Oh, joy! This generates hope.

My problem is I love chatting and laughing with people.

Do you hang on to a pile of useless items like this?

LiterateHiker 9 Oct 9

Enjoy being online again!

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They are not divorced. Merely separated. In Washington, there is a 90 day waiting period. After the 90 days if the other does not return, it can then join an online dating site to complain about "ghosting."

Rules are rules.


Thanks for the laugh!


Yes, yes I do. In hopes that some day their mate will return from the unknown so I can re-unite them in their duty of protecting my hands from (insert danger).


Hilarious! Reminds me of the song, "Come to Me."

@LiterateHiker Great lyrics "Come to me . . . I will keep you safe and warm" . . . . Reminds me of lost gloves wishing to be found. 🙂


In the most sultry voice possible. I love it! 🙂


No, but I have a lot of lonely socks!!!


Sometimes. I have learned that as soon as I get rid of one item in a pair the other one turns up. Also, being right handed and active the right glove wears out before the left one. Maybe I could exchange some of my lefties for your righties!!


I'm sure all my missing gloves are somewhere off in a dark alternate world with my missing socks.


Hilarious! Love your sense of humor.


No. I am a minimalist. Unless there is a use for the glove (or other item), I discard it. Though that is one reason I have only a basic selection of socks, so when I lose one I can at some point pair it up with another when the sock monster strikes.


So I have a similar issue.... I have work gloves for projects. One wears out and I keep the other.

Strange, but I don't recall ever recall losing just one glove. Dress or work.

I do have an issue with socks escaping the hamper and making it over the wall. One escapes every now and then... I'll keep the other, waiting for the partner to show up.

I was going into a meeting a few months ago and was walking across a showroom floor. I felt something on my leg and looked down. A sock had clung with static to the inside of my pants and let go just then. I kind of looked around and saw two salespeople watching me. I looked at the sock and then at them. They both said, "It's not mine!" I laughed, grabbed it and stuck it in my pocket...


Socks, belts that are specific to a pair of pants.


Tie a string to them and the sleeve of your apparel, kind of a hustle.

I meant hastle.


And here I thought "divorced gloves" was some sort of technique for handling divorced folks on dates....

Tend to discard the abandoned gloves (or socks) after a try at finding the mate. I do like cyclist gloves as they are fingerless making it easier to use touchscreens (phones) and the like. Always struggle trying to use a phone when I actually do have to wear full finger gloves. (Note - this is while traveling, rare is the need here in Houston. Though I have had more snow days here than I had in the last 40 years of living in the San Francisco Bay Area.)

LiterateHiker's posts regarding relationships are so interesting that I was expecting the same thing. ?


Thank you for your compliment. It's funny that you thought this post was about relationships.

@LiterateHiker well you seem adept at them from what I've read. While being thoughtful enough to ask questions of your own reactions and judgements though. ?


Maybe buy the cheapest? I used to have a girlfriend without much money who insisted on buying very expensive sunglasses, lost about 4-5 a summer. Duhhhhhhh.........

Whenever I buy an expensive pair of sunglasses they go right the bottom of a lake but I've had a $5 cheapo piece of junk pair that I can't seem to get rid of same with pocket knives I had an $80 Kershaw, lost it immediately But I also had a cheap 2 dollar knife that I got from a junk shop. I've had for years

@Thehosh84 some kind of twist of Murphy's Law?!


I do have a drawer of abandoned gloves. Subconsciously I think I keep them in hope that even one will be found.


Thanks for reassuring me.


I'm WAY too OCD to lose socks, gloves, eyeglasses, sunglasses, or just
about anything else.

If anything become "useless", I don't hang onto it. That took some doing, but
I'm finally throwing away things that have fallen into disrepair.


Well done. My downfall is moving too fast.


Yep. And why did I put unmatched gloves back into the closet? Did I think I would be happy to have ONE GLOVE later?!

Why yes, yes you did think that. It's the optimism in you that the other would get lonely and find its way back lol 🙂 😉


Elbow fighting in closets.


I usually only hang on for a short time (two weeks or less, for two laundry cycles for clothing). Items, like tools, I need to replace so as not to remain angry at myself.


Good job!

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