Please say yes
Have you always been that way or did someone hurt you that bad, or maybe molested you as a young girl, or was it rape? I know it's none of my business, but I would hate to see this happen to anyone. I mean asexuality, is a very drastic lifestyle, at the end of the day it is your decision alone. I would think about it some more, maybe get some advice from a professional. Or if you would like , I would be glad to talk to you and discuss the issues. I don't judge, or make judgement's when it concerns other people's lifestyle.
I heard about this on 'HOUSE MD'. House hears about a patient who is Asexual, and bets his friend Wilson that he finds a medical reason why this person is Asexual. He wins the bet of course. Have you spoken to a doctor about this, and what did they say?
I love House!
I miss the happy hormone - estrogen. lol
Sex, even self-inflicted sex, is important to good health (prostate health especially) and longer life. So I have sex as often as possible. And it's good clean fun.
I firmly and strongly agree with this.
its mine and I can wash it as quickly as I want.