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Religion and the internet. Does anyone else find it odd that religions use the internet as a recruiting tool? I mean, the internet and computers were invented, in their current states, by atheists.

jayneonacobb 7 Feb 2

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Reminds me of this meme.

Thank you for this! I'll be doing a history of computers unit with my 8th graders soon, and we end the unit with the movie The Imitation Game which is about Alan Turing and the machine that this woman mentions in the sign. I'll use this as the perfect transition into a critical thinking unit!


A tool, any tool, once invented, can be used by anyone. Should only black people be able to eat peanut butter because it was invented by Carver?

Well obviously!


I think there is a high probability we are all using devices that were invented by people with contrary beliefs


And no where in the Bible does it cover computers. Maybe God hates computers and does not believe any of his followers should be using them. How is a Christian supposed to know for sure.

I would think that they would "talk" to their God and get it straight from the horse's mouth.

Since Christians are making up everything "God" is saying to them, no problem adding computers. Except that would mean no more internet porn, so they won't do it. At least, the men won't.

@birdingnut Where in the Bible (or the Koran for that matter) does it say about pornography?

@El-loco The only sexual sin Jesus commented on (contrary to homophobic alt-right Christians) was that of adultery, which he said happened whenever men looked at women with lust.

Since most hetero, cis men feel lust when they look at most women, this would also include porn. But of course Christians ignore this and harp on the one "sin" they don't commit-homosexuality, due to being born hetero.


Christians straight-up hijacked tons of stuff, twisted it around, rebranded it, and used it for their own ends centuries before the internet (e.g. pagan Yule fest becomes "Christmas", Great Mother goddess becomes Mary, myths lifted from other cultures, etc. et al.). It's nothing new.

They do it unselfconsciously, unironically.
And the best part is: whatever they do is okay, because God's will! barf

They're not the only ones in the world who do this, I'm sure--but they're the only ones I know much about.


The internet is full of porn. Listen to your pope, "Stop it or you'll go blind!"

Hilarious! I put the link on Twitter


You don't mean that you'd like to apply logic to religion, do you? 😀

Only a sinner would say something like that!


The religious idiots will use anything to get you to give them some money! They are desperate for money! If you don’t support them and give them money you will go to hell!

Well, DUH..

That's the whole point of religion teach people to check their brains at the church door, suspend disbelief and rational thought, teach unquestioning obedience to old white men to gain power over them. More people = more money, so the more you give, the more "blessed" you are. Hell is used to frighten people into giving even more money!

Even Jesus said so, and he also made a whip and drove cheating money lenders out of the temple for exploiting the people.

If he were to show up at most churches today, they'd not let him in anyway..a middle eastern guy wearing a robe, who speaks out against organized religion.

@birdingnut Blacks and hispanics are just as guilty as whites of extorting money from people on religious grounds.

@Trajan61 True, but 85% of white evangelicals voted for Trump. I bear a grudge.

@birdingnut I’m a strong atheist and I voted for Trump. From an economic standpoint Obama was a disaster with his higher taxes and excessive regulations.


ISIS uses the internet for recruiting, and they're intellectual Neanderthals. Nope not much surprises me anymore.


I find it absolutely hilarious and hypocritical.
I'm sure they have tried to explain that away by saying some stupid shit like "God work through an atheist to create the computer."
Ah... Religious people are funny in a sad, sad way.

Lol! Yeah and the Lord works in mysterious ways! Lol

@Kojaksmom "Glory to God, for his love works through the wicked ways of atheist"

OK, I feel like I need to wash my hands after typing out that sarcasm.

@Kojaksmom yeah, I love that one. It explains so much, doesn't it?

If the inventor of the toilet were an atheist, the godly would happily use it and say that they were cleansing the device with their righteous turds.


Is it better than going door-to-door? They do both though. They use modern technology to spread the gospel. A lot of people are duped and believe everything they hear and read. They need to keep god in their churches, in their homes, and in their heads.

And the hell away from me!

Here in Chicago, they'll set up at major train stations with their little display full of pamphlets and talk to people trying to catch a train or a bus.
(Hah, they don't bother me. Guess I'm too intimidating for Bible thumper)
There will be like 4 or 5 of them, pestering commuters and I'm like... You guys do realize you're solicitating. That's something that's not suppose to be allow on Chicago Transit Authority property. Must be that Christmas privilege bullshit.


I don't think it's even a little bit odd. Religions have a long history of using whatever methods were at their disposal for spreading their poison and recruiting new victims.
Their hypocrisy isn't concerned with atheists inventing the means for their latest attempts at recruitment. Look at how the islamists use the internet to recruit and radicalize.
They've all been at this bs forever.


Hmm… well, I don't like Thomas Edison's business practices, but I still use lightbulbs.


Why does it matter? Id find it odd if dogs were using the internet when people made it... But as far as Ive seen a belief in a higher power doesn't correlate to their intelligence or use of tools...


Yup. What you said!


I really hate it when a new religious radio station pops up and overpowers some station near me. It has happened twice now, one station was from across the lake in Canada and another was a local college station....grrrrrr

Where I live there are a lot of small very fundamentalist am radio stations broadcasting such horrible and hateful garbage. I had tried to think of ways to hack their broadcasts so that people would hear some really obnoxious heavy metal instead of the usual shit, but I'm not smart enough to do that I got a subscription to satellite radio instead.


Religions take whatever they find and dedicate it "to the glory", It would be odd if they did not use whatever means of communication they came across. Ironic perhaps but not at all surprising to me.


Recruitment and tithes is the business model of Christianity.


Mennonites are similar to Amish. They live like the clock stopped in the 19th century. They have a specific dress code. You can imagine the irony I experienced when I noticed a young Mennonite lady with her old timey dress and bonnet typing away on her Mac book and running people's credit cards as payment for "authentic" Amish goods. Super hypocritical.

Mennonites are allowed to use technology, as long as it isnt medicle in nature. They moved in to my town years ago. I met an atheist Mennonite. He did a talk about it. It was off to say the least.


Not really. Tools are used by all sorts to accomplish good and bad. Are we surprised that the internet is used for child porn?


Well, we are who they want to recruit, aren't we?

didn't look like it but perhaps I am stupid


Not really, they exploit platforms. Don’t believe me? Ride a subway with a proselytizer. It’s no skin off their noses for anyone who finds it repugnant but they can reel in the others who’d elsewise be out of reach.


Sometimes post over here are... never mind.

It was supposed to be stupid, it's satire.


Ok, I need to clear this up real quick. This is a shot at the West borough Baptists church.

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