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When you're the only atheist at work

How do you handle being the only atheist at your job?
There were times I wanted to say something at one job but I knew I would've been discriminated. I remember one guy saying, "atheists are bad people, one tried to talk to my daughter, saying atheist are always trying to force upon their beliefs", etc...

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JurassicT4 6 Oct 22

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I only mention it if I am asked.


I’m out in the open in work and outside work, but do not initiate conversations on the issue.
I was asked in work if I want tickets to see the pope, on occasions like that I would happily mention it.

During pope’s visit in Dublin, everyone in work spoke about it. Official emails were circulated on the traffic as many roads were closed. My manager went to see him; I joined the peaceful solidarity event for victims of clerical abuse.


Self employed # sorted # problem solved


That’s a common problem here in Oklahoma and if you announce your atheism to everyone you will unfortunately make a lot of enemies so I generally keep it to myself.

Smart man


Depends upon the work environment. I’m pretty open though


Like religion, the lack of belief should also be kept private or to sites like this where we are all like-minded. Find local Atheists in your community to meet up with. There are social sites besides this for that.


My most accurate answer would be to not make anything out of it. If it comes up then be honest and avoid hiding while if it doesn't come then live your life.


When I used to have a normal job, I avoided talking about politics & religion as much as possible at work

Sometimes they come after you

@JurassicT4 - I've been through that. The last place I was at that really pushed me ended up regretting it. They all learned a totally new definition of blasphemy. They'd always get really nervous being around me during thunderstorms. ?


Religious beliefs or lack there of should be no ones business but their own. If people spout religion I will make my beliefs known, otherwise it is no obes business.


I don't keep it a secret but I don't advertise it.

I have been an engineer all my career and even though I've pretty much from the beginning been shocked and disappointed how many theists there have been, we have almost all been professional enough to keep it separate from our work.


I do not advertise my lack of religious beliefs at work because I've always felt like politics and religion have no business in the work place. However, if I'm put on the spot or in certain situations I will tell people how I feel, bit in a respectful way. If they don't like it, then they can kindly go piss off.


Everyone at my job knows I'm an Atheist. I get people refusing to work with me, but I respond to that with kindness. They don't know what to make of me. Most... Some think I'm a Satanist. LMAO. I inform them that the description of Atheist is lack of belief in Gods and that would include a lack of belief in any creations God is responsible for like Satan. We don't believe in any of it.

Yup the old we're satanist never gets old

@JurassicT4 In a way it's understandable because from their perspective God is obviously real and doubt is absurd. When I tell them that I don't believe in either God or Satan, many look confused. Some will talk about it and others just don't want to have anything to do with me. I had one say, But, Paul I thought you were such a nice person and now I can't stand looking at you. It hurts but I just accept it and move on.

My family knows I’m atheist but I generally keep it to myself except with a couple of atheist friends as it’s just not worth the fight and hatred generated by the religous. That’s one reason I like this website as I can discuss my atheism openly.


There's a guy where I work who claimed that there was evidence of Jesus Christ was real. I challenged that and asked that he provide some kind of evidence. Well, he obviously thought that would be easy, so he said he would provide. After there months of promises, (he could never find any that could be verified) he finally decided that the answer was to go around the office and tell everyone I was crazy because I didn't believe such evidence existed. When challenged about that he claimed that I was just upset and couldn't discuss the issue rationally. So I never got any evidence and he attempted to discredit me in the eyes of others because he could not find evidence to back his claim that Jesus actually existed.

Luckily my work and experience with my colleagues was able to lift me above the attempts to discredit me. But he fully expected the Christians in the office to be on his side and ignore what he tried to do.

I did volunteer stuff at an organization and for our dinner event one social worker told me there is scientific proof of god. Lol.


Religion and politics are not something to be discussed at work. I’m in healthcare, it’s not about me. I have to be respectful of everyone’s religions and positions.


I would keep it to myself 99% of the time. It really has nothing to do with work and I would trust my co-workers to know bigotry and false data points when they heard it. It might be wrong or make you mad, but you are the professional. Listening doesn't cost anything.

Just because a person lays out the bait doesn't mean you have to take it.

I have good co-workers.


I mention it when the time comes but I ease into it. I live in the bible belt so being too abrupt can make the workplace hostile.

I just bring up counter points and "interesting topics" to mention them think. Always respectful though. I expect the same so I try not to be confrontational. While we may think we're correct we also have to remember they were raised that way. There is a fear engrained in them to not question any of it. So I don't hold anything against them as long as they're respectful to me as well. It almost always works out well. Barring any super devout people that can't other opinions.


Every time someone mentions thier imaginary friend I mention an obvious truth or at the very least something very blasphemous.


Feel out whether or not your coworker will be accepting of you by getting their views on various topics through small talk, if they seem the accepting type why not?


Highly situational. If someone wants to talk religion or philosophy I oblige and don't shy away from mentioning my atheism if its relevant to the convo. One of my christian buddies knew I was both a Bible scholar and fairly knowledgable about other religions so he would always ask me to explain political or religious ideologies to him if he didnt understand. He knew I wasnt christian and I had told him Im buddhist. When one day it finally came up at an angle where I had to mention I was an atheist he seemed surprised n I had to explain that although I am buddhist, there are no gods in buddhism so Im also an atheist. The questions stopped soon after but that was at least partially because of our work circumstances not allowing us as much alone time to chat.

If adversarial religious republicans are on one of their hateful rants about something and I know Im going to have to work with them for the forseeable future, and I don't have enough deoderant on for the convo it would take to get through to them, Ill probably roll my eyes n stay out of it. but if they engage me directly Ill tell em what I think for sure. But Ive spoken up on enough topics that they got the hint and know better than to start with me mostly.


Everybody at my office knows I'm agnostic. I love challenging them to provide me some evidence that there is a god. No takers yet!


Several of my co-workers know I'm an atheist, especially if they are friends with me on Facebook. There are other people who I have not told personally but probably know from said co-workers. Then there are those who have no idea. I don't make it a priority to tell people I'm an atheist, but if they ask, I'll tell them.

My job has me traveling to different county health departments. Sometimes prayers are said before work parties or Jesus/God is casually mentioned at meetings/training. I've been going to one specific health department every day for almost the whole year. Really nice people, but they have Bibles scattered all over the waiting room and lobby. Sometimes I just want to grab all those damn books and throw them in the dumpster.

Lol, I'd recycle those bible books, turn them into something useful.

@JurassicT4 Like toilet paper

@joeymf86 lol, if you want, some poetic justice


I don’t want to hear about the religious beliefs of my coworkers or their political leanings so I do t share mine.


I can not stand people that feel they have to blabber about their belief or lack of belief . I am not a agnostic snob and will even let people think i am a believer. Who the hell cares.I choose to get along with people and don't give a crap if they believe in an imaginary sky creature .


If your atheism should not be mentioned at work neither should their religion... that said, if the HR person is religious do what you must to keep your job.


When they take a new person around they introduce me as the resident atheist! Started when I said no when asked to join the prayer circle, prayer circle has died out.

BillF Level 7 Oct 22, 2018

Dam that sucks for them to do that, but it's not surprising.

@JurassicT4 Not done in meanness but in acceptance. I have over three years showed how much better an atheist behaves than the several devout christians we have had.

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