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Does a person's natural scent noticeably impact how much you're attracted to them?

Science says scent matters, but do you take notice of a person's natural scent when it comes to partners? I am very sensitive to scent in general. This is definitely a factor for me.

Perhaps this dating site needs to transmit smells? LOL

silvereyes 8 Feb 3

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43 comments (26 - 43)

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Generally speaking if I notice someones natural smell it is usually not a good thing. Pheromones tend to fall below the smell radar, especially for humans who, lets face it have a very poor sense of smell compared to most other animals. I like very subtle perfume or nothing at all. Smell can draw you in or push you away but I have never really experience sent as something I am attracted to. I am not discounting the role of scent but I think it is more subconscious if at all.


Absolutely..I find people that have a"clean" smell most attractive..


T-shirt sniffing studies:
A Swiss group study used sweaty T-shirts to establish that people can sniff out genetic difference, a Chicago team's odor study showed that genetically similar people tend to avoid marrying one another, and a New Mexico study, again using T-shirts, claims that women at their most fertile time of month will prefer the odor of the fittest-looking men.



Unless someone stinks, I tend not to notice them. But my last girlfirend would reguralluy compliment my scent.


Theramones oh boy


I remember hearing about an experiment where women were exposed to men's sweaty undershirts (not shorts!). There was definitely a preference for some shirts and not others.


If the scent is overt, bad or offensive that's a turnoff. You should have to be close to notice any pleasing scent. No need to bathe in an aftershave or perfume.


I've never been conscious of that affecting me.


Hell Yeah!!!! Have you ever met someone that always wears a dress and no underwear? And there was something about her you couldn't point it out... her perfume seemed to be different, you just didn't knew what it was until you realize why she seemed to attract you in an animal kind of way. It was too late then. She got you.


As in pheromones?


I once had a relationship with a lady I met while traveling for business. On one of our encounters she asked if she could have the jacket I was wearing. When I asked why she wanted it she said "I love your man smell."


Well I've read that studies have shown that smelling good makes you more attractive to those around you. And then there's pheromones. In any case I suppose that a persons natural scent may only really make another attracted after there is an emotional attachment. The same way certain smells remind us of people we loved.

For example; my grandma always used this really shitty and cheap perfume. It would always burn my nostrils when I smelled it, but she passed away, and every time I catch a whiff of that crappy perfume I almost feel like I wanna stick around, smells like she's there.


If you keep a worn undershirt of the person you love with you when you travel alone, the scent will reduce stress and cordisol levels significantly.


I once dated a girl who, although thin and attractive, ate junk food all the time and drank, well she drank as much as I did and had other "bad" habits, yet her "personal" scent was incredible. Another girl with the opposite approach on her dietary lifestyle had nothing interesting about her scent at all. There is a little more science to the term "you are what you eat" than what might be expected.


I think scent is processed instinctively far more than a nose close in clothing or breathing in while kissing. .....if one is dating courting seriously considering a life mate the eyes are operational while nostrils are working not forgetting taste and the tingle of touch. ....scientists have proven any woman's voice (not necessarily the mom) is preferred over the best natural father always tending to his child.....we can deliberately choose one sense over all others and handicaps force that kind of over dependence upon a single sense . . I am happy and patient to learn how and why a woman is choosing me.....something very profoundly extreme would have to invade my senses to derail her interest LIKE A CRUCIFIX hanging in her cleavage or idiotic words heard out of her mouth. .." the LARD led me 2 u " then I smell the air path out the door the way I came in to escape xian lunacy


Yeah that will work, I'll call it the "The Nasal Net" 🙂

jeffy Level 7 Feb 3, 2018

Yes! And taste if I get that close. Why not indulge as many senses as possible?

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