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Does anyone ever get to watching back cracking videos and wish that was you on the table? And just when you get a little motivation to make an appointment with the chiropractor, you forget? Yeah, me too! I need the ring dinger..

SleeplessInTexas 8 Oct 24

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my mom is a chiropractor


Friend's dad was a chiropractor. We were quietly hanging out at his practice, waiting for a ride home and the noises from the other room, in which he was treating a patient scared the crap out of me! Guy was really good at his job though and helped a LOT of people.


Umm, I went 8 times over 2+weeks, the neck-cracking damaged an artery in my neck and & caused a massive stroke, I was 38. No neurologist will recommend "cracking/snapping" a neck...lower back, fine. Neck no!
I am the second person in this area (different chiropractors!) who had this happen, the other gal ( a registered nurse) ended up using a mouthstick until she died in a nursing home

@Maiasaura We are both incredibly lucky people! I wish people would think, and think Again, before allowing someone to twist/stretch/snap the neck, which is packed tightly with nerves and the blood supply to the brain.


Pseudoscience is everywhere lol #Woo


I didn't know such videos existed. I always feel like chiropractors are going to tear my head right off, so I would not wish to be the one on the table! It makes me very uneasy. I like Osteopaths better--the tend to be more gentle.

Yes about forgetting to make appointments--I've been meaning to go to the dermatologist for about 6 months!

Carin Level 8 Oct 24, 2018
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