For those of you who didn't know, I have only been Agnostic for 2.5 years now. I guess I am still in a transition from Christianity.
I will be completely honest when I say that I do have one bible still in my home that I have had for years as part of my décor in my living room. Of course it is here merely as a decorative accent but I have now bagged it for garbage.
Please tell me if you have these things still in your home.
No need to be shy or embarrassed unless you are still doing sunday mass and paying
Absolutely there's a bible in my home. If you talk to christians you need to be able to look up their quotations from the bible - and give them other quotations that they find 'uncomfortable'. You cannot oppose christianity from a position of ignorance - even though that's how many christians support it.
There's also an English translation of the quran in my house for exactly the same reason. And a book detailing the basic concepts of other religions.
The reason I am an atheist is because I KNOW religion is fucked up!
I have a bible on my bookshelf. It is over 100 years old and belonged to my grandmother as a child and still has her handwritten notes in it.
It has no religious significance to me, but does have sentimental value.
I have a couple different copies of the Bible and some other books centered around Jesus and Christianity, but I took quite a few philosophy courses that dealt with religious topics. My love for knowlesge will always trump my disdain for organized religion. How else can I truly know the enemy? Lol.
Oh god yes. My house is chock full of art of every description. Books on all religions, mythologies, and psychologies, images of deities and demons, the first Bible I was issued by the Baptist church I was raised in, an ancient family Bible with dates of births and marriages, etc., and the last one I was issued by the Mormon Church before I finally got all of that kind of psychosis out of my system (I have a much better kind of psychosis now!) and a cross my closest Christian friend custom made for me from a section of bovine vertebrae…
I haven't owned a bible in 10 years. The whole book is online anyway. Spoiler alert we all die and come back as zombies.
A bible given to me by my grandmother. I was very young and listed the birth and death of my rabbit. Forgot I had it until a few months ago when I was going through a cedar chest and found it.
My daughter was surprised and I told her she could have it but she is waiting to inherit the entire chest. Perhaps secretively hoping I will read or something.
Reading the bible causes atheism lol
My Grandmother left here bible to me. I'm not sure why I got it. She may have believed I needed it most, of her many grandkids. So I still have it. It might as well be in a museum. It's a family thing, not a religious thing.
I have no Bibles in my home but I have some earrings that have crosses on them because they were really popular in the 1980s LOL.
I have multiple translations of the Bible, a Koran, and Book of Mormon. Reference material, you see.
I do but all of the crosses are upside down! Goes with the metal!! \m/
I keep a bible app on my phone...because I like bookmarking the contradictions I find.
I have the cross necklace my ex gave me for Xmas one year. Also a Hammer of Thor necklace. And an Elder Sign (H P Lovecraft) amulet on a beautiful chain that I picked up from the game store way back when, to protect against critters from the Necronomicon, just in case.
These are all works of art, and I'm not getting rid of them, despite not believing in any of them.
Yep. Several bibles. Quran, numerous books on various mythologies, and two crucifixes my parents brought back from Bremen after WWII.
I think that some objects associated with various different religious are beautiful so they are part of the decoration in my house. I have a beautiful menorah on permanent display, a ceremonial mask from Indonesia, and a few totchkes from my days as a solitary Wiccan. I don't know whether the Banksy print of a cathedral window covered with graffiti counts. My point is that I invest no belief in any of them, but appreciate their beauty.
I support my wife my brother... she's still
A believer.
I have a Bible with my name printed on the cover that I was given 50+ years ago by my father. Like listening to Christmas Church music it is a reminder of someone I loved.
I think there are a couple of bibles still around, hopefully in the box to go to the used book store. As for jewelry, I don't think so unless it is still in the box in the garage to go to Goodwill or some such place. I've kinda been purging stuff I don't use/don't want/don't need. I used to have a huge library and the employers paid for the moves. Doing it on my own, the books had to go.
@twshield That is my goal, to be real and honest.
None, oh wait a Voodoo doll I got in Nawlens few years back!