In the movie Annie Hall, Woody Allen says his marriage ended "for religious differences. She was an atheist and I was an agnostic."
Is it just a joke or can the two find happiness?
Religion is so unimportant to me, I hardly ever discuss it. I couldn't be with a fanatic, no matter what they believe.
There's no inherent problem.
My late prior wife was a Methodist and I deconverted during our marriage. It didn't impact anything because I wasn't a dick about it, and our relationship was in no way based on shared religious traditions or beliefs. It was based on mutual respect and a bunch of shared interests that weren't tangled up with religion.
A better question would be can an agnostic/atheist person have a solid relationship with a religious person and frankly that would be a pain in the ass we tend towards logic and religious people have lazy minds they would rather be told what to believe than actually think
I think the terms are used wrong. look at the greek . A theist actually means no trust for the church not a lack of accepting the possibility of god and a gnostic is a gnosis simple meaning that I confess I can't know the truth of this and I won't damned well pretend I do. given the correct definitions yes I can't see why not. Atheists and agnostics with the correct definition are really the same people
Actually if it's the right person, it wouldn't make a difference what the beliefs are. Apparently the love was not there to begin with.
I'd agree to tie the knot if she'd agree to see reason.
I'd never marry anyone. I don't believe in legally tying two lives together in such a way.
The best analogy to the question I can think of is: "Can a non-christian mary a non-protestant?" The two titles tell very little about the couples compatibility.
Love should trump levels of disbelief.
@AMGT Can't confirm or deny... and then again maybe that is why I am not married.
@MrLizard I had second thoughts... I should had follow my instincts instead. My Bad.
@AMGT I admit to have faith in love... but I love with my mind rather than with my heart so... my mind has this cutoff switch... very effective I may say.