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When did you start drinking coffee and why?

“I don’t like coffee,” I replied through my 30s. “I just like the smell. I ’m hyper enough as it is.”

When Starbucks opened its first small store in downtown Seattle in my 20s, I found it charming. Occasionally stopped by Starbucks for hot chocolate in the winter.

But at age 40, I developed a genetic sleep disorder. With a bouncy three-year-old, I discovered coffee made me feel happy in the morning! Now sipping coffee is a comforting morning ritual. I like dark coffee made with French roast coffee beans.

Love coffee ice cream. Add dark chocolate chunks and roasted almonds and I'm in heaven.

Surrounded by coffee purists, I don’t mind leftover coffee. A heretic. After doctoring it with sugar and milk, yesterday’s coffee tastes the same to me.

Starbucks 8-second rule springs to mind. Employees say it's to make them work faster.

In the winter, I lose my appetite during short, dark days. To gain weight, I add vanilla ice cream to my morning coffee.

"A tablespoon of ice cream won't make you gain weight," my friend Amy said. "Do what the rest of America does: eat the whole carton of ice cream in one sitting!"

LiterateHiker 9 Oct 31

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i started drinking coffee when i began my second full-time job, as a switchboard operator for a d.c. saving and loan association. we got 15-minute coffee breaks and there was nothing i could do during them BUT drink coffee. i soon found out that one cup was wonderful and two cups gave me what later were identified as severe migraines.



I was told if I did not drink coffee I did not get a coffee break

I was 18


In my 40's. And now I can't stop 🙂


I'm one of the odd people that doesn't drink coffee. I just don't like the taste.


I don't really like the taste of coffee either, but I like the caffeine kick. I didn't drink coffee regularly until about 5 years ago, and then "regularly" wasn't daily. When I quit working in September I also quit coffee, until I read about the health benefits of coffee and those benefits were what I was trying to achieve. So for about the last three weeks I've been drinking coffee daily. I see my doctor in a week, and if the labwork comes back the way I hope it will, I will be drinking a cup of coffee daily for the rest of my life. I usually drink it cold with a bit of honey for sweetness and some sort of cream. Recently I made cashew cream and that worked well.


Must be a British thing most people here drink coffee from the earliest ages, so no one really has a starting date. Though mostly that is our mild and not very strong, (or very good) instant coffee, which may be why tea is so popular. I do remember however that when young my grandmother used to make a very bitter version, which she said was very good for children because it would help to keep you "regular", it did work and if you could stand the bitterness, (I think it was how she treated the hot milk.) then it had you running for the bathroom in under half an hour.


16 i discovered hangovers


I think I was 3 or 4. I don't know, i can't remember not drinking coffee. My Gran and I used to have a cup in the morning while Paps made our breakfast whenever I stayed with her. My Mamaw would make us both a cup to drink while we watched The Price is Right and our soaps when she babysat us during summer break. For me coffee is very much about remembering two amazing ladies, and feeling alive.


Ninth grade. To be cool

I was around the same age when I started. Been in love ever since.


I started when l went into the Army. The reason l started, because they make you get up TOO FUCKING EARLY!!!!!


I almost always look for leftover coffee before I brew a fresh pot. It really doesn't matter that much to me. I've only been in a Starbucks a couple of times. My son is a Starbucks warrior, when he visited me last month, that was the first order of business, "Where is the Starbucks"? Just down the street, with the full parking lot. I never thought they would thrive, but boy was I wrong.

I have to have coffee in the morning. NPO visits to the doctor are Hell.


I never did ... ick.


I’ve started drinking coffee in the high school,almost the same time when I started smoking, like other ‘cool’kids...later,when I quit smoking, had hard time with just a smell of coffee,Because it was strong association with smoking...later I realized about my addiction, took few years to get over that... now I enjoy it in moderation


I started drinking coffee at age 13, because coffee was cheaper than orange juice in restaurants when my family was traveling. The habit stuck and I am addicted to my dose of caffeine in the mornings. I only stopped while I was pregnant and nursing, then went right back on it. Over 50 years addicted to caffeine. Definitely need the boost in the morning to get my "happy" on.


I started drinking coffee when I was 19 working at Kodak. I used to add milk and sugar and called it 'candy coffee'. Now I drink it black but not strong.


I was at Valley Forge Military Academy for 9th grade, 14 years old. Our meals were very regimented. Form up outside, march to the mess hall, take seats at rigid attention, one second year boy at each end of the table to keep us that way. Gong, bow heads, prayer from the chaplain, then back at stiff attention. Food was pretty much the same every morning. A one serving box of cereal and one cup of milk, to be used in the cereal if you didn’t want to eat it dry. Occasionally buggy oatmeal or cream of wheat. No trading, no extras. And a pot of coffee on each table. Unlimited, since most the kids didn’t drink it. And sugar jars. So I decided if I was not going to starve, I would learn to like coffee. Since all the milk went into the cereal, (small cups) I added sugar, one spoon full.
I drink it that way ever since! Not too fussy about the taste. I generally buy two or three bags of ground coffee from different brands (usually 8 O’clock, Starbucks and whatever else I have a coupon for. Then I mix them one cup at a time in a glass container (makes a nice pattern, since each scoop is a different darkness!). Then when I scoop it out into the coffee maker, I get a different tasting coffee each time. And as someone else said earlier, I have no issue reheating the second day. If it’s black and hot, it’s good! ?


I started in 2010. I got my first job outside of a tech company in the silicon valley for a decade or more. Most tech companies have free soda and snacks - Diet Coke was my drug of choice. Nothing was free at my new company and I was going to grad school in addition to my full time job. That's when I started drinking coffee. Even though I've graduated from school, I still drink coffee in the morning.


I was very young when I had my first sips of coffee. Those danish butter cookies in the blue tins, mom let me have a few dipped in coffee when I was 8 or younger probably lol. Had a few cups with dessert in high school. I always thought it smelled way better than it tasted and had to add a fair amount of sugar. Still add a bit but I can drink it black if Im sleepy and its what Ive got. Didnt develop a taste for drinkin cups of it til I was probably 18 and getting up for work in the next city over. Became a regular necessity in college yet lately Ive been doin without unless I had an especially rough night.


Never started! ?


After high school I worked in room service at the Palace Hotel at Lake Buenavista. I worked there for 2 years and served a lot of coffee. However, I didn't drink coffee yet. At 21, I moved to Atlanta, where I worked at the Ritz-Carlton. The Palace was 4 stars, but the Ritz was 5. They served Royal Kona Cup coffee, which I believe was Hawaiian. This coffee smelled AMAZING when it brewed. It made the entire Room Service prep area smell wonderful. So I tried it and I've been hooked ever since.
To top that off, the kitchen would prepare fresh pain au chocolat every morning. Quite the culinary delight! Now I'm hungry!


I was about 12. I'd always had disordered sleep so coffee helped me get ready for school.


I was eight years old...


17 and I was working as a waiter in the Catskills.


I once made my dad run me by the grocery store on the way to middle school for milk for my coffee.
Now I drink it black and strong.


I'm one of those weird ones that does not drink coffee... I know, crazy

I'm weird too. Coffee? Yuk!


I have never been a coffee drinker. Hot tea, iced tea or ginger ale (diet). Oh yeah, water too.

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