One of the first things I ever read that helped validate some of the doubts I was having about religion was Marx’ statement (roughly quoted here) that “...religion is the opiate of the masses.”
Is there a similar quote, or school of thought, or even a particular event you can look back at and say, “This is where it all started”?
Groucho Marx used to say "When the duck comes down you will win $50.00".
the duck!!!!!! wahahaha!!! how many ducks does it take for a million? L
L i love groucho!
Honestly just evolved over time, though I rember always doubting it..I stopped going to church after my 1st communion
As an aside i use that quote by Marx..except I subsitute Sports for religion..
Sports is a cult, not just any old religion. More like crack than smack...
When I started having babies it really made me think hard about ways I could raise them. Religious was not one of them.
Religion is best taught on young children so it can be ingrained in their thought process as adults. As kids they put the fear of god in you and if you disobey him, your punishment is the fury of hell. The first fairytale you hear is the biblical tales of rape, murder and mayhem. No wonder you think a monster is in your closet or under your bed. As adults no matter how much you start realizing the Bible is just a fuckin fairytale, you still have this fear that if you don't believe in him and you're wrong. Straight to hell you go! That's no way to live, always in fear of the unknown by a man that's suppose to love you sooooooo very much.
I show my children way more love and compassion then any invisible man in the sky can.
Ever notice how, when you have a complaint, you never can talk to the boss, the real boss, at a store? It's a clerk who can only do a few things, plus submit a report. That's the secret of religion. The Chief explains that he is only doing as he was was told to do by God. If that upsets you, there is an appeals process, and God is always listening. Pray to Him and He will answer. Notice the similarity between religion and big stores?
Especially, the bankruptcy part...
@Dwight ?? I do not understand your comment?
@Dick_Martin Many of the big stores are going bankrupt these days. Religion has always been a bankruptcy of sorts.
At least opium makes you feel good. Religion makes you feel guilty.
... & both reel you in.
I did not know Marx said that, but it is my belief also. I think that governments of countries just love some internal civil wars amongst the different religious beliefs. It is like giving a child a sandbox filled with beautiful sand, a shovel, and a bucket to play all day. The division the religious wars keep the government in power and safe. Most wars are over religion.
Both parents and their families were religious, they thought it was a large part of child development. Low and behold I was baptized, we moved a lot always went to a church no matter where we lived. Eventually ended up in a backwoods church with backward ideals. Long story short, I decided church wasn't under the control of some deity, but under the hand of men, warping ideals to suit their wants all too often.
Nope... I just let it go without even noticing it while in catholic school. Disappeared. By the time Das Kapital and Mao's little red book came to my hands. I was already "Primed".
Be careful not to trade in religion for a political prison. Keep your mind open, you never know what might just wander in.
@Dwight In my case... girls, drugs, girls, disco, women, alcohol, jazz, women, college, women, navy, married, women, divorce, women... no political prison had a chance. But... I always been a good fuck and a bad capitalist.
@GipsyOfNewSpain You are so not alone, my friend.
@Dwight In high school I sold pills not to make money, to get everybody high. I can laugh about it now and not proud of it but me and my buddies in college never saw the evil involved on the drug business that came to us at full force. And inflation raised the price of a pill I sold for .50 cents to 5.00 dollars. So I wasn't interested on living that life of greed and danger. I could get girls without it. Bad capitalist I had been!!!!
@GipsyOfNewSpain Crap, I was an idiot, I just gave that stuff away. I could of been making money instead of transient friends!
@Dwight But everybody got high... everybody was happy and you have friends you didn't even knew their names but they knew yours. Was not great? You and I were signs of times that ended forever.
@GipsyOfNewSpain sigh, can't go back - forever is a very long time. But you;re right it was Great. Happy memories, thanks for the nudge.
@Dwight We are not alone. We lived it... we not reading about it... we were participants.
i grew up a heathen with an atheist father, so i wouldn't know. but marx's statement always made sense to me: religion encourages people to give up thinking.
That's my girl!!!!
@FurNFeatherMama, yes, no need to take any responsibility in life, as there's always gawd to blame & to bray for better times.
@GipsyOfNewSpain, not sure about that
@walklightly I had lost you before... in another life.
yes, @GipsyOfNewSpain, i sense truth in this