I had a seizure in September and i am not supposed to drive a car or work for 6 months. i don't have much money so taxis and Uber are mostly out of the question, my basic needs are covered, i have a place to live, food and computer, and even a car if someone gets here to drive me with gas money. I can feed you!. So how do i get around? Who do i ask? I cannot go to a church, Who can help me get to the church to use the food bank? weird right? Who do i ask for help?
just make sure you get a ride to the polls and vote blue since if there IS public transportation, republicans will make sure it gets its budget cut so rich folks can get more tax breaks. meanwhile, is there not something like a craig's list where you can post your willingness to barter some kind of service for regular transport to wherever you need to go? maybe someone would be amenable to an arrangement of that sort. i'd say surely instead of maybe but i am actually in something like your position. if you're on medicaid, you may be able at least to get medical transportation. if you're not on medicaid GET on medicaid! i am, and i get rides to the doctor. to shop for food, that's more difficult. but i'm a woman so i can't really follow my own advice. it's more dangerous for us to deal with strangers, not that it's completely safe for a man.
Bicycle? Hitchhike?
yeah, i go to jail in this part of town, sorry, i mean thanks but i did not have to choose where i got to live but the people in this" hood wou'd not like to see me on the street with a sign
San Antonio, TX bus system has buses for handicap people; they pick me up in my electric wheelchair and deliver me to my destination for 2$ and 4$ round trip. They pick up people with all kinds of disabilities.
yeah, i am 12 dollar away from totally broke, we will see. i have food, i a was fortunate and helping with picnics and local food banks and chucs's makes me believe in a hiher power. it may just be that as a group we may be as a group we can be better that alone we are better. That is way what i believe in. not a god
There’s usually a handitransit or similar in your city.
I'm no expert on Birmingham. Alabama but I'm guessing they have public transportation like buses and metro? Here is a public transportation website link:
Here is a link to a Central foodbank of Birmingham, Alabama.
A while ago, I did some volunteer work for an organization called "Ride for the Feast" They had bicycle riders delivering food to people. I'm not sure if they have an Alabama chapter but I bet there is a similar organization in your area.