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Perfect Vacation.

What's your idea of a perfect vacation?

UrbanIndie 4 Feb 6

Enjoy being online again!

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Dreaming about the perfect vacation is always a fun mental escape, right? For me, it's a mix of breathtaking landscapes, cultural exploration, and maybe a sprinkle of adventure. What about you? Have you ever thought about the ultimate relaxation and luxury somewhere like Si Como No Resort? The name alone sounds like an invitation to paradise!


chilling and enjoying something different than what I normally do.


I would start with a pretty good vacation. Perfect would say that everything went well, and we like some struggles. Do some things to push our limits. Go to new places, maybe with new languages. Search out some must see places, and then a lot of the out of the way, but, boy that was a cool place. Our last trip, used several airbnbs. Got to meet some very cool people, who also directed us to great music venues, small museums, restaurants, pubs. Also used Like some boat rides. Countries where we stay several weeks, always learn some local languages. We like doing the research on traveling, We do self directed trips, and will as long as we physically can. When we got home from our last trip, started talking about the next. It's a big world out there, and lots of places to see.


In the states going from Baltimore up to Boston hitting every city on the way taking in all the history. In my mind it would taie months


Without my kids. I'd go anywhere. Lol


Something along the lines of what I have planned for July this year; around a month of hiking in mountain ranges. In this case, the Canadian Rockies. I have a few visits to make, but the main part of it will be exploring.


If money and time were no object, I'd take a train to New York City and get on an ocean liner bound for Southhampton England, and then take trains all over Europe, ship and train home.


LOVE crusing, though I haven't been in more than 10 years and who knows, may never go again. It's not a thing to do alone. I like road trips with my pup, exploring places I haven't been. I used to love to travel to Europe, but I don't know that I'd do a lot of that alone any more either. Frankly, given the way my life is now, staycations are good, too. I love my home and a few days without work or other demands are a pleasure, right here in my den or garden.


I'd be with a certain female friend, one with whom I could very happily spend every moment of every day (yes, I'd like her to be more than a friend; however, I love her so much I'm happy just for her to be part of my life). We'd drive through Northern Europe visiting various cities and perhaps take a ferry over to Scandinavia to see the Northern Lights, then we'd head down to the Alps for a month of skiing before touring Italy.

Jnei Level 8 Feb 6, 2018

OK, I am up for ideas. My kids are pushing me to go on a holiday, I have just knocked back a cruise, too boring. My problem is things are quite pleasant where I am so when I go somewhere it doesn't take much to wish I was back home.


Me plus 2 little dogs in tiny RV getting 18mpg, and a crazy GPS that keeps sending us thru weird byways...oh, wait, that's what happens now!
Log in it!


I like driving, eating out and seeing new sites. I would like to drive through all fifty states in Merica, and stop at hotels whenever I wanted. No set schedule. Well, I also always wanted to visit Africa and Australia, oh and India.


Stay at home and relax. I hate spending a couple grand just to go through the aggravation of travel.


Where I'm living right southern Thailand, near the beach.
Plenty of cool national parks here, also.
The pic is my daughter and I at the black crab statue in Krabi, Thailand, Jan. 2016.


Usually the one I am on..... I tend to enjoy the road less traveled, or not traveled at all. Outdoors near the water always works.


Starts and ends... with the right woman... we don't need to go anywhere... since is going to be someone new... I want to explore her and her to explore me. We will make it perfect because is not the venue... is the entertainment we provide for each other. That is my Idea of Perfection... Communion of body and mind between us and for us alone.

Oy vay, dude; your killing me here.

@Condor5 Bro I been everywhere I used to live in a place where my purpose was to make Perfect the ladies vacations. So that's the way life was in Crete from February to November. Came with a cost... my divorce, but that is the way life is... costly. You pay and move on.


Sad to say, something I'm fairly certain I'll never realize. Ah well, c'est la vie.

I feel that. I'm of the same mind about it.

@KKGator well, at least I've got my beer to cry in, that's something.

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