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“Owners of dogs will have noticed that, if you provide them with food and water and shelter and affection, they will think you are god. “That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.”
Christopher Hitchens

Natefish 4 Feb 7

Enjoy being online again!

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My dogs, especially the yappy one, think I am retarded because I fail to notice IT IS TIME TO FEED ME RIGHT NOW........


My one cat thinks I am her slave.

you are. just ask my cats ...

One of my duties as Elvira's slave is to open the door at her command and hold it open until she decides if she wants to go out or come in.


Well Nate.... I don't think so... none of us do...but that's ok... we live and we learn.


Dogs have parents, cats have staff.


I believe they will consider you the leader of the pack, not god. All will provide you with so much love 🙂

Sacha Level 7 Feb 7, 2018

Around here, we have a pack. No gods necessary.


Dogs provide the only real unconditional love.


Don't (good) parents provide all of those things for their children? I think it's more logical to think dogs consider their owners to be surrogate parents. At least parents are real 🙂


How could anyone possibly know what a dog thinks? Hitch is spot on with his saying concerning evidence or lack of evidence for ANYTHING. (IMHO)

A lot of times a dog's actions will tell you what it thinks. It's very noticeable in those who've been abused.


I don't know that my old dog had a concept of god and he pretty much liked everyone even those that didnt give him food

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