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What is a common saying or slang that you really dislike?

I cannot stand "whatever".
It comes across to me as a passive/aggressive "fuck you".

Crimson67 8 Feb 7

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It drives me insane when people around me say miss miss..instead of calling me by my name

Better than "hey you"!

I agree. I'm in the south, and I think it's impossible for some people to change lifelong habits. I'm not from here, so I don't do it and don't feel a bit of shame about it. I'll even tell somebody you can call me by my name instead of with the "Miss" or "ma'am" and it doesn't change.

@BlueWave Miss is a southern thing. I grew up here and it irritates me but I've given up trying to change it.


It’s God’s will .Another one I dislike is ,it’s God’s plan.

Shriek, pass the shotgun, boom, my will! Hehehe

I hate those too, and likewise I loathe "God's got it".


"It is what it is."

Till it isn't no more

@evestrat I've said it too and I'm not proud of myself about it, but it is what it is. 😛

OMG ^ my MIL after her husband & son died. /DONE

@Qualia If she only said it once ok otherwise tell her she has got Alzheimer's.

@FrayedBear I can't even with her, it might disturb her tiara.

@Qualia Perhaps if you told where and when she was/ is wearing the tiara i will be able to decide to ROFL or commiserate. By tiara do you mean halo? If so i have an excellent joke about that.

@FrayedBear By all means share away. I'll keep it in mind should I ever speak to her again 😀

@Qualia Done tagged you


IRREGARDLESS!! To me it screams I'm too damn ignorant to know it isn't a word. And if you're writing and use U R I will have a stroke. Or if you use your when you mean you're. Yeah, I am a grammar Nazi.

Oh I HATE that one and it's almost always used with an attitude which is comical at best LOL

That one makes me insane. It's all I can do to keep from becoming violent.

To assume that I do not know English is to put an ass before U and me.
Nay lad nay!

Me too!

Also, supposeBLY. Do people NOT see that that is a D?!?!?

Real-a-tor -- In the 8,000 times you've seen that word written, have you EVER seen more than one A?!?!


“Everything happens for a reason” makes me stabby


When I say "whatever", that's exactly how I mean it. Sometimes, you can't tell a child to fuck off.

You can't? hehe....yeah, you can't. Damn it.


Baby bump, with that being said, calling a female a chic, bling, baby momma and baby daddy.

oh, those are good ones...I don't ever hear those, so I forget they are used...though, we do use 'chicks' sardonically. "Duuuude, bro, I bet you just get all the chicks."

@JohnnyThorazine I hear them all, the baby bump thing is the silly morning news shows, some people say bling. The baby momma thing, the lower forms of life all say it. I want to puke.


Bae . . . Can't explain why but it bugs me.

Because it's lazy. I agree.

What does it mean?

@FrayedBear "Before Anyone Else"

@EricTrommater there I imagined "bloody awful explanation"! In other words s/he put on a pedestal of delusion?

@FrayedBear lol!


"Whatevs" It's a lazy "fuck you."

It's "fuck you" with 1/2 the calories ~8D


“Everything happens for a reason.” No it doesn’t. A lot of things are chaotic and out of control. I had a niece that was 2 years old when she died from brain cancer. That certainly didn’t happen for a reason.


When someone pronounces WASH as WARSH!! There is no R in it!! It is not WARSH clothing, hair, or dishes, and it isn't WARSHINGTON.


My grandmother and mother say that....I never caught that particular verbal virus. And I think my Grandmother and mother have been west coast since the 50's, at least.

I almost had a stroke once when I heard an elementary school teacher use it, when we lived in Washington State. She was supposed to be an example for my children.

There is no y in potato or tomato. W in Arkansas.

@FrayedBear tomayto/tomahto

@witchymom Reminds me of my cousins. Raised with a word freak standard English and grammar mom. She moved to the south and within fives years or so, uses "Ain't" ALL the time. And, "She don't know where the store is." Makes me CRAZY.

Also if I was president, "ain't" would be removed from the dictionary.

Yes, I admit it -- total and complete word snob.


“To be totally honest” - does that imply you weren’t being totally honest at other times ?

Ohub Level 7 Feb 7, 2018

Nah, just that they are bookending really harsh phrasing.


My pet peeve is the person who is constantly saying "you know."

Way back when I was in the Army I was in an NCO training program. We were learning to do training and give lectures. We had to give a training talk and everyone else would critique us I counted the "you knows" in one of my classmates talk. After I hit 50 I quit counting. Made me batty. I did mention that.

I had a broadcasting rule "never open your mouth without the correct first word on the tip of the tongue with the second and third queued up behind ready to go". Silence is preferable - another favourite was "better to be thought an idiot than open your mouth and prove it!"


Bless your heart is Southern for fuck you. Wide open, too... means hyper.

The lexicon around here is weird, where I’m from we just say fuck you to mean fuck you. On the reverse, the slang, “Well I didn’t come here to fuck spiders...” is amazing. (Australian)


One that always has annoyed is oh my bad, and oh when they were born they broke the mold lol

@orange_girl Me too.

I say my bad a lot LOL. Picked it up about 10 years ago when my then boyfriend flipped his shit over his daughter using it. Now it's habit.


"Believe me". As in "We're gonna build a wall and Mexico is gonna pay for it, believe me."

Lol. Believe me @Leira82 there are more important things to worry about!

@SACatWalker I recently suggested that the wall is to protect the Mexicans from Americans. Care to comment? 😀


Recently two words come to mind. "Libatard" and "snowflake". I guess I get kind of "triggered" as the "Trumpiters" like to say.

Snowflake I love - there are so many that the blizzard has not only caused road blocks to credible thought but even developed into avalanches sweeping all before the espoused absurdity.


When people are being interviewed and they continually repeat YOU KNOW in every other sentence.


"I'm sorry but"...

No you're not, you green eyed grinning razorless man! I am that you prompted my response.


Gotta second "everything happens for a reason". Yeah...but that doesn't mean the reason was any good.



Awesome It gets used for movies, burgers, coffee anything that is so unlikely to fill you with awe. The grand canyon, The pyramids, The milky way on a cloudless night. stuff like that but not a bloody pizza ffs

@witchymom I miss the phrase awful

@witchymom you must love that english comedy show

Like "life-changing". Life-changing gets used for everything. Lady, it's just yogurt.

@Unfoldingchaos Nope, it’s life-changing yogurt! If you’ve never had it, it’ll jump your IQ up 50 points, clean your car, and give you colon of STEEL... jk

But it can help prevent the risk of colon cancer by fortifying the flora (which are lifeforms) and repopulating... so it’s a good pun at least.

I also use awesome a LOT. But, you won't catch me saying "Amazing" unless I'm standing at the edge admiring the Grand Canyon.

@BlueWave Or Hampton court 😉


When journalist went through the phase of "all but". The city of Nagasaki was all but destroyed. Uhm
And of late there seems to be a trend of "of" in stead of have, as in "I could of". eeee

I've my own vices however, have a great fondness for "Dogue" and LOLspeak away

I AGREEEEEEEEEEE on the could ofs and would ofs. Ugh....


"I don't think ..." OK. Who am I to argue, but even if it's true, why admit it?


when you say 'whatever' you gotta say it totally valley girl style...they need a font for that...haha...I don't like the 'thumbs up' emoji as a sole response. It's the 'I don't care but I can fake it' emoji. 'Bro' annoys me a little. Unless you are Hawaiian and calling me 'brah', forget about it.


I need to watch my language around here. I think I'm a serial violator. And I hate you all for taking all the good answers.

That was funny. 🙂

@BlueWave Thanking you! My plan works again! See you around or whate ... or something.


aks instead of ask

@SACatWalker Me too. But, my cringe is about worn out. Here in Louisiana, seems almost all but college educated people say that.

@BlueWave Before it gets to the dictionary...

How would it be conjugated? I aks, you aks', they akss, we akses?

thinking along espanol e as a hemos habeis han [sp?]

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