What happened to people before Christianity exist? Are they burning in hell now?
The clearest answer I know is tradition related to Dante's Divine Comedy, that the unlearned and the virtuous pagans are in the first circle of Hell. This is also known as Limbo, which lacks the active suffering of Purgatory, the "punishment" passively being absent from God's presence and active grace.
According to what I was taught. They are "sleeping", in an inbetween state (not purgatory. Thats catholic & they are idol worshippers). At the 2nd coming, they will ascend & can decided between heaven or hell.
And also, how 'bout other people who are not believing in Jesus Christ? Those Buddhist for example...
@Daniyel @maturin1919 - See my above comment. The "virtuous pagan" [EDIT: phrase corrected.] resides in the first circle of Hell, where the only 'punishment' is not being in the presence of God.
@maturin1919 - Yes, exactly right. The traditions of Dante's the Divine Comedy is the most precise answer I can give to @Daniyel's question.