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Someone didn't think this through.

VictoriaNotes 9 Feb 8

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I find the combination with the motto “Virginia is for lovers” especially disturbing. What the hell goes on there?


That's some heavenly shit!

E coli happens


I mean the line below does say "Virginia is for lovers"....

Butt lovin

@Hellbent Sodomy, in the interpretation I'm choosing to take.

@GreenAtheist silly Butt fun

@Blindbird in the most poverty stricken areas where Vatican won't let condoms be distributed anal sex is a woman's only method of birth control submitting to the male who owns her

@GreenAtheist ah more fuel for my rage. Thank you.

@Blindbird we should never forget our sisters and brothers in bondage theocratically economically nor violently


Holy shit


Maybe someone did 😀

Gert Level 7 Feb 8, 2018

@VictoriaNotes for the Mormons who believe they will rule on their own planet somewhere off in the heavens try planet urANUS out there with Neptune and defrocked Pluto no longer a gawdly planet but it has two bitsy moons

@VictoriaNotes I don't think anyone was offended. The non religious not because of the funny content, the religious not because they wear different glasses. So why change the message 😉

@VictoriaNotes Hmmm Where have I seen that one before?

@VictoriaNotes I click on your link and note that Bella Vista is a retirement community in Arkansas. Perhaps the Rev. owns stock in the company that manufactures Viagra, and this is a sneaky way to increase sales?


That reminds me of this bit by Patton Oswalt:

I had tears from that! 😀

@Paul628 Because of the shit piranhas? Yeah, their teeth are sharp! 😛

@resserts The hilarious comparison between god and hell. and the anus and shit piranhas was fantastic.

It took me a while to get into it 😀

@Paul628 Patton Oswalt is among my favorite comedians. 🙂

@resserts I've caught a few of his standups, they were great.


I'm also a big fan of the "god 404" license I've seen (computer geeks will get it)

4:04 is my favorite time


The worst I've seen was a Pennsylvania plate that said:
I can only hope it was intended to mean nicest.

JimG Level 8 Feb 11, 2018

NCST? Feeling thick, but...?

or narcissist mom lol that would be terrible! I pray for her kids it means 'nicest' too (a little agnostic tongue in cheek on a protected site...that feels surprisingly good)


They need another "O".


God's an Asshole? Makes sense to me!


Once back in high school, some friends of mine were wanting to start a band called Godscrotch. It never made it past the naming stage.

not necessary in that case 😀


They might have thought it through. Notice the entire plate.

We get: GOD ANUS Virginia is for lovers.


Brrrrr.... lol! Forest Gump... stupid is that stupid

Hey Bob -- this reminds me of a plate I saw this morning. It said Roogaru. Do y'all over there in Sulphur know about the Roogaru?

@BlueWave. Boogy man under me I don't think we celebrate like houma does.

y'all written, does not seem to feel as terrible as when I hear it


What is it actually trying to say? GOD A NUS? GOD AN US?

Abay Level 2 Apr 10, 2018



Still laughing. Thanks for this!




As the tag says, Virginia is for lovers....


This tag was definitely made in prison


GEEBUS! just another example of whats wrong with fundamentalist flakes. LMAO!

I finally got my religious friend trained in ways he can talk to me about his god because I don't want preaching or for him to try and "convert" me. Yesterday he told me in great detail over the phone on how he "talks to his invisible friend" daily. He should listen to his own words. He sounds pathetic!


That is a wonderful license plate. Is the owner of the plate an anti-theist making a statement about God's character or a dumb theist who didn't realize his error?

@VictoriaNotes You are probably right. I wonder if that plate causes excitement when parked in the church parking lot?


Thanks for the laugh I needed that. 🙂


so wrong on a lot of levels


hahahahaha 😀

Sacha Level 7 Feb 8, 2018

Are you certain? Did you talk to them?

@VictoriaNotes gotcha. Well, I'm in Californy, and one of our puckish minions here might do that just to piss people off.

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