153 11

Do you listen to religious music?

I’m an atheist but grew up Christian/catholic. I attend a Christian college (long story) and I constantly have to listen to Christian music. However, some artist I actually like. I love some of needtobreath songs and I love Racheal Plattern (she sang fight song).
I’m just curious on where other nonbelievers stand.

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chlorine413 6 Nov 15

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153 comments (101 - 125)

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I quite like “ straight edge” Christian , non drinking, non smoking ( anything) vegetarian, hard core bands .. such as Saving Grace.... and the more metal like Devildriver.. The devil doesn’t have al the best music .. ??


I like soulful music


Not usually but once in awhile will tune into a station not familiar to me and hear one or two.

Aggy Level 4 Dec 16, 2018

I promoted christian metal bands in the past, and I’m listening many. There are many good bands and releases.

Stryper, Mortification, Paramaecium, My Silent Wake, Saviour Machine, Narnia, Ecthirion, Theocracy, In Grief, A Hill Die Upon, Dagon, Sympathy, Seventh Angel, Main Line Riders...

If it‘s come music first I am listening musical qualities if it‘s well played and arranged. As long as the lyrics don‘t annoying me with primitive worshippings in the chorus part everything‘s okay. Some friends laughed about, because of my person (Atheist) and origins (Turkey/moslem parents), and others are positively surprised, happy and thankful. But that‘s what tolerance is. I live the life I would like to see everywhere, but without setting any expectations. I just only do my part how am I feeling good with.

The same it is with Black Metal as the lyrical opposite part. As long as it‘s performed well, everything is fine.

Exception: A Parody Band in the vein of Steel Panther.

Yucel Level 3 Dec 16, 2018

Emma Ruth Rundle
Esben and the Witch
Then also just some of my fave music but portishead is my life good for meditation


I like the band flyleaf which is Christan Rock, Carrie Underwood as well as others. It sounds good. It don't mean I have to embrace the lyrics and believe in them


To be fair for my yes, it tends to be music which has ambiguous lyrics, which could reasonably be interpreted as religious. I find them to be helpful for a sort of emotional transcendence.


At work sometimes I play an epic choral music playlist from YouTube on so I have something different to listen to in my warehouse. Chior music can be pretty upbeat and good for production sometimes.


I love Gospel music, especially black baptist, Now this is great music with some very great pipes.

EMC2 Level 8 Dec 4, 2018

Well, a lot of Christian music is simply awful. I'm happy to listen to the stuff that is actually good (am I really going to forgo hearing Handel's "Messiah"? or Beethoven's "Ode to Joy?" ). I enjoy country gospel/bluegrass gospel, so I listen to that, but not all the time. Could I listen to hymns or Christian rock all day -- no way!

Orbit Level 7 Dec 2, 2018

Only Christmas

There are solstice and mostly secular songs CHESTNUTS ROASTING ON AN OPEN FIRE Jack Frost nipping at your nose, yule tide songs being sung by a choir and kids dressed up like Eskimos....

@GreenAtheist Right, but i mean like Oh Holy Night. . . I like all music tbh. Was just being honest, I do listen to Christmas music as a genre. Not because I believe. . .

@PrettyHate yes there is much to hate "down on my knees" there is no such person as kryste nor Christchild. ...singing that gibberish only brainwashes people. ..Mozart was an Atheist trying to lift the masses out of divine rights of alleged royals

Jingle Bell Rock


Yes, Me too I studied in a christian school for 12 years I listen and enjoyed christian songs but I am an agnostic because of science and philosophy. christian songs are great maybe because in all sense, I love music itself as the fact, I sang various songs.


The first thing that comes to mind is pop christian music that's like a drill to the head. It all just seems so forced and they all use the same formula and structure. I can't imagine being a musician that always writes lyrics about the same subject matter. Why would you want to limit yourself? And now christian music has invaded the other musical genres (rap/punk/metal). There are people that limit themselves to only christian entertainment and they need variety to feel like they're part of a diverse ecosystem of creativity. If I was a believer, I would WANT to be tempted by secular music. I think it would help reinforce my faith. They must think secular music is like a gateway drug that you just can't resist. On the other hand, I would never want to get rid of the great classics that are beautiful despite being religious. Christian pop will never recreate those masterpieces.


I prefer to re-write lyrics denuding cult words from talented tunes

I used to get in trouble in catholic school fot making up lyrics about jesus being naked or John the Baptist peeing in the river Jordan... the nuns did not like that, but they were too warped catholic to get the joke...


Yes,some. I will always appreciate beautiful harmony and melody in a composition,regardless of the lyrics. I still listen to Christmas carols and I've always loved the music of Bach,both his religious and secular pieces. I love reggae too. Much of it makes references to Jah and Rastafarianism. I refuse to let religious lyrics or inspirations stop me from enjoying beautiful music.


I don’t listen religious music per say but I am not ignorant to the fact that there’s music that I like that’s inspired by the artist faith and/or religious beliefs


I can't stand any religious music of any kind. Christian music to me is like scratching finger nails on a caulk board.


I use to listen to Hindu devotional songs not really enjoyed Christian songs..


I listen to Gungor due to their expansive reportoire.


That's a sound no


Johnny Cash, "The Man Comes Around". I offered to sing it as "special music" for my ex-wife's church services way back when, I figured it would get the offerings up, but they didn't see it my way. They prefer the "happy smiling Jesus".


Especially around Christmas time I will.
If the music is good I'll listen to it, I'm not going to exclude something because of a false pretense.


Not every day, but there is some music that I like. For example around Xmas every year I enjoy Handel's Messiah. I like Christmas Caroles. I play mandolin in a bluegrass band and we sing some gospel tunes (it's not bluegrass without them). I like Peter Paul and Mary. They sang a lot of religious folk songs like "Judgement Day" and "I've got a hammer" and "Polly Von" and a bunch of others.


I have played Amazing Grace a few times in my life. I always liked playing it. We really kicked it in the ass. Some gospel music is fun to play. That is it though.


I have trained my brain to block that shit out so I don't even notice it

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