I have been using that statement as an adage for a few months now. I want to check its validity. Does everything really come at a price?
You spend ATP (cell energy) every time you decide to move, or not, everything is give and take until the whole universe is a mass of chaos. 0 to 100
You pay with money or you pay with time when doing anything....plus some things involve emotion.
Action is accompanied by reaction. Whether a price or a boon is yours to decide.
In my Buddhist wanderings they spoke of "Cause and Effect." Whatever action is a cause that created a result.
Opportunity cost: each opportunity chosen is a different opportunity lost.
@Stevil Funny you should bring that up... Frost is one of my immortal heros and I actually thought about including such a quote--but I recently heard a critical analysis of that poem that turns the traditional interpretation on its head:
Specific emphasis is placed on key overlooked elements: "just as fair"; "worn them really about the same"; "both...equally lay in leaves no step had trodden black". So if you really pay attention, you can get the sense that the choices seem more alike than not. And if you take that to be germain to the overarching message, what you get is an irony-clothed statement that it doesn't really matter what you choose--things are going to turn out the way they turn out anyway. Kind of poking fun at the idea that a person has such a strong hand in guiding their destiny. From what I know of the almost mystical reverence for the machinations of nature evident in his other works, I think that interpretation is squarely congruent with Frost's outlook.
But I don't expect highschool teachers around the country to change the way they teach that poem any time soon.
Unless it says FREE!
They say small talk is cheap. Talking it up may be expensive. I suppose unconditional love is cheap, but it cost you to get there...lol. its
I suppose in the to'ing and fro'ing of relationships the price is overlooked, you pull together and each one does what they can, when someone feels they are bearing more of the brunt of the load if there isn't a discussion about sharing equally then yes . I worked in worker co-operatives for a lot of my life and we pulled together very well - So I think there needs to be a primary discussion about who does what and if that works out so everybody feels its fair - no loss. Laughter and Smiles don't come at a price.