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Does immigration hurt or help the USA?

Marine 8 Nov 16

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It depends on the amount and quality. First thing that has to be done is to get rid of the overly hateful AND overly positive rhetoric and look at reality. Immigration costs, period. It is not cheap and when people from poor countries come here to increase their economic level it raises their carbon footprint. The US footprint is the largest in the world and more only makes for increased greenhouse gases and other negative environmental impacts. One could write several books on this issue (and many have).
My late partner (an immigrant who came here legally and went through the process) asked her 2nd graders: "what is more important, people or dirt?" Later the Humanist magazine had an article what is more important, people or the planet? One species cannot be more important than the system that sustains it. The system which sustains a community is more important than individuals, citizens and immigrants alike. To me, it is not about individuals but the system and our system is extremely broken. Excessive immigration is at the heart of all places turning hard right. We need to practice real critical thinking on this subject.

However at the present time we are blocking doctors and tecnicians that are needed badly by both professions and these individuals pay high taxes because of their income levels. Isn't it foolish to deny these highly educated and needed people?

@Marine Have you ever heard of the 'Brain Drain'. We lure professionals here but their absence hurts the countries they come from and probably paid for their education. We need to have programs that help finance our own people to go to medical school.




In any STEM field, immigration is what is keeping US ahead of the game (China is rapidly overtaking now). I don't know about other fields. More jobs will be taken by the machines rather than immigrants as machines are economically superior.


Helps everyone over 55 because it invigorates Social Security. Hurts uneducated and or lazy young people because those jobs requiring nothing will be filled by immigrants.


No it doesn't. This is a country founded by immigrants. This administration and all the bigots that claim to be anti-immigrant are only against dark skin immigrants. They would not want problems with immigrants or European descent.

@Gurahl based on the context of his response, I’m pretty sure @noworry28 meant it doesn’t hurt.


As an immigrant to America, I’ve given a heck of a lot more than I’ve ever taken.
There has always been plenty of work in jobs where America cannot meet the need. Immigration is a necessity.



Helps tremendously.


take away immigration and there are just native Americans left. id say they have been really hurt.

@Morganfreeman much like Australia, south Africa etc


Definitely helps. We all had relatives who were immigrants conrary to the hate and racism trumpty dumpty epouses.


If one looks at the computer industry, farming, medical fields we are experiencing shortfalls in employees that have been previously aided by immigrants. Many doctors, technicians are being prevented from entering the USA because of stupid immigration rules that need to be addressed now. Immigration has helped the USA to grow and has not been a negative influence on our labor force.

Farmers often depend on cheap immigrant labor, and without it cannot harvest crops we eat. In addition to what Marine said.

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