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Answer without mind

Do you think that something came from nothing absence of everything

belfo 6 Nov 17

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Well, belfodil, the book of Genesis states that in the beginning there was nothing except the 'word' and, as we all now understand (well most of us anyway that is), a word is NOTHING more than vibrations traveling as waves of compressions and decompressions of air, ergo, even the book of Genesis is 100% incorrect.
But science has shown that the origins of the Universe were far more complex and definable than just appearing from an absence of anything/everything.
There is far more scientific evidence in favour of the 'Big Bang Theory Origin of the Universe' than there can ever be for the mythology posited in Genesis.


Yes. There is proof. [] Quantum fluctuations.

Buxx Level 7 Nov 17, 2018

Those quantum fluctuations that are supposed to have caused the Big Bang: where did the quantum fields come from that did the fluctuating? What caused the laws of nature? Reality is a very deep and profound mystery, probably not understandable in human terms, and that article certainly sheds no light.

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