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Social Media Pet Peeves

What are your social media pet peeves? Mine is when people invade a platform not intended for a certain cause, such as using an atheist platform for LGBTQ, unrelated politics, etc

SoullessHeathen 5 Nov 17

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People using social media to complain about the use of social media.


My social media pet peeves? Not many. I've found that on platforms like Facebook, you can pretty much control what is posted on your page and who posts it. And, you can control what you want to read and believe. I use Facebook as a news source, from different perspectives, as a way to keep up with long-distance friends, and to follow comedians, and certain intellectuals.

I came to this site knowing that I would probably disagree with most people here on most issues. But, I do agree with the atheists here that there is no god. I didn't expect to argue or discuss with atheists things about god, except maybe the history of how they came to their conclusions. I have found that most on here don't seem to mind having an intellectual discussion on various topics, even if we disagree. I've always been interested on how people have come to their conclusions.


I guess I don't like it when religious people come on here and try co convert people. I'm glad that we discuss many issues here. There is only so much to say about atheism and agnosticism. I think many enjoy talking about other things with people who are athiest or agnostic. This is the only decent place I have found to do that, online or IRL.

MsAl Level 8 Nov 17, 2018

SJW's they seem to look for shit to get offended by, and they never are happy imho.

My pet peeve when someone uses initials and does explain what they mean. What the fuck is an "SJW"? A "Single Jewish Warrior"?

@dahermit "Social Justice Warrior"

Twenty years ago the disparaging term favored was "Femi-Nazi."

@BufftonBeotch Ahhh. My wife was a equal rights activist. She took exception with me when I used the term, "Women's Libber" and would ask me why I did not use the term, "Feminist" instead. I told her that I could not get the same sneer in my voice when I used the term, "Feminist" as when I used, "Woman's Libber". She could not see the humor in that at all. 🙂


Access to all of the cruel hateful inhumane things we humans do to each other.


So everything on has to be related to atheism or agnosticism? How one-dimensional and boring.

But I do agree with the bit about politics and any "social justice" issue. Those are tired and overdone. I usually don't come on to social media to listen to overly-opinionated strangers whine about their views on society and how they think everyone else should be or think.

Completely agree


Facebook exposed data on up to 87 million Facebook users to a researcher who worked at Cambridge Analytica, that worked for the Trump campaign.

Zuckerberg defends Facebook users' right to be wrong – even Holocaust deniers.




People who always either start the same goddamned argument, or make every debate/argument about the same goddamned thing.


Anyone using the bible as a reference book.

"Trolling"? Do you mean someone who disagrees with you? That is one of my pet peeves...someone how accuses someone else of "trolling" instead of defending their position with a logical response.

I didn't mention trolling.


Communication through messaging to get to know someone. It is clumsy and awkward. With no personality and no real flow to the conversation, most of the time the communication just peters out in a short time. It is what we do now, and I accept it, but I don't like it.


your pet peeve is not mine at all. this is not an atheist platform for talking about atheism. that's boring. we're atheists. okay. so we have to talk about it all day? look at the categories. there is one for religion. the rest are for other stuff. posting other stuff is not an invasion. it's proper use of the site as it is presented and as it is apparently (and statedly) intended.

i do have some pet peeves and they are numerous, but off the top of my head:


  2. trolling.

  3. scamming.

  4. do u like txt spk? not me!

  5. bad grammar and spelling. we should at least be able to spell "atheist." have you noticed how many people can't? (that peeve is specific to this site, too!)

  6. men who whine about how they can't find a woman to fall at their feet when all their profile says is that they're nice, and the only posts they've made is said whining. (that peeve too is specific to this site.)

  7. propaganda.

  8. hate speech.

that's enough for now. i wouldn't want to irritate anyone whose pet peeve was long comments!


And #6 would only consider an heiress who is also a lingerie model. Also she has a PhD and is 25 or younger.


Research something before you post it. There's so much fake shit out there that it's easy to let your emotions get the better of you. If something sounds too good to be true or lines up with ideological beliefs perfectly then maybe just take a few minutes to make sure the info you are posting/sharing is real.

My sister actually told me that she posts without even researching it because if it was false/scam/hoax I would let her know. After she told me that, I stopped correcting her and let her look like an idiot. I HATE being taken advantage of because the person is too friggin' lazy to do a five second search on the Internet.


I'll go with the obvious; trolls.Get a life y'all, ok?


Guilty. I should write " is not my platform for spreading my liberal propaganda" about 100 times. I hate when people post nude pictures of themselves.. I appreciate's leniency to porn and nudity, but I like a little class.


I don't mind your propaganda. Keep it up. 🤓

@zeuser Don't feed the troll.. 🙂

Wow, I have been on the site for 4 months and have yet to see a single nude photo. Didn't realize this was even an issue.

Theeeeeeerrrrre heeeeerrrree. Sexy classy group

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