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Is it possible to fall in love with someone with opposing political views?

Is it possible to fall in love with someone with opposing political views? I was asked this question today and found it rather difficult to answer and dependent upon the definition of 'love'.

Grumpy 5 Nov 22

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Yes, and makes for some very interesting discussions.


We may see if two people can stay together with opposing views that being Kellyann Conway and George Conway. It's gonna get interesting in the days ahead will have to watch Saturday Night Live on more regular basis.


My take is that it is possible to fall in lust with anyone’s body. Falling in love involves a meeting of the minds. There can, basically will, be differences such as atheist with Methodist, or Catholic with lutheran, or Democrat with republican (old style, say circa 1950). But you cannot match a person of reason with a superstitious fanatic, say trumper with a human being, or a PTL devotee with an atheist. Those are doomed from the start and forever.


Of course it is possible! Making such a partnership last might be a huge challenge, however, as opposing views can cause a lot of strain! Love is not logical, but the management of every day life would probably infringe upon the emotion!


Respect is needed for love to that is a question you will have to carefully evaluate for yourself!


Paula Abdul: Opposites Attract!


I not sure theres an easy answer, ive dated several women with dissimilar postions but not tadical differences. I do know i was rather involved sexually with a conservative gal and we decided no politics but that was the start of trumpitis..... after 6-8 months i started sitting on my hands. I very honest snd direct and i could no longer hold my tongue ..... ironic as she loved oral pleasure but the tension kept building up and we lost each other as lovers snd friends. In spite of the news it was a loss


I guess one can FALL in love, but, maybe not STAY in love. especially if one has very strong points of views, one way or another. just my opinion.

Keech Level 5 Jan 1, 2019

There are people that are able to do this. My worldveiw and values are demonstrated in the political values I have. I guess for some people that are not as passionate, it would be fine. I think the increasing polarization over the "New Guy." and crew makes it more difficult to be with someone that has opposing poltics.

I am as passionatr with the world conditon as i am making love and the coup is having both


I started really liking someone and when I realized they were not on my side it kinda messed with my feelings. I say NO. We simply didn't think alike.

I have been betrayed so many times by xian women who married my bed not my head


I think it's possible, but it depends on how important political views are to you. Can you discuss politics with someone with an opposing viewpoint calmly even if you don't agree? If you are die-hard and passionate about certain viewpoints and stances that they don't agree with, can you agree to disagree and not harbor resentment? I think it depends on how you both feel about politics and if it will be a point of contention. You have to let the political views be second to your relationship. I do think this is possible. If there is someone you have in mind right now, think about all the qualities you like and dislike. Do the pros outweigh the cons and can you live with the negatives (there will always be negatives because no one is perfect)?


I'd rather not.



James Carville&Mary MatLin have 2 children she worked for dead 41 Prz Bush and he 4 the Clintons

@GreenAtheist Thank you. I couldn't remember Carville and Matalin's names.

@ailurophile she is condescending in public at least towards her little boy while he always has a skowl face .....can't say they look like they're in love but a divorce would be world news.....Billary was a Goldwater girl in her teens and Willie protégé of Fulbright& a grand wizard. .....


I think it depends on the issue and on how extreme the views are.



Yup. My wife is a staunch republican. I'm an independent.


For 27 years,my late wife and I voted for opposite parties,she always said our votes canceled each other out.Politics were never discussed in our home.


Best relationships are those which compliment each other. Lock and key.


Its possible especially if you don't give a crap about politics.


Depends on how serious you both are about politics . I want to say yes that it is possile but results may very because everyone is different .


Politics lol you can't really tell between them. The same. Just focus if he/she has big ones.


Not sure. Depends on if the person it tolerant or not of opposing viewpoints. For me, yes, For close minded folks, not so much. Just depends on your vantage point 🙂


Yes why not


It's possible to fall in love with anyone. Can it be sustained if there is stark differences in religious, political, cultura, agel or language differences? I have seen relationships work with these differences, but it takes a lot of give and take, understanding and acceptance to overlook these chasms. In other words, both people have to be equally in love with each other and able to find commonalities in other areas as well as joy in each other's company. I would say that your starting the relationship with a handicap and that few can survive, but it's not impossible. One need look no further than Kellyanne Conway, Trump's most loyal supporter and her husband, who lambasts Trump on social media on a regular basis.


Fall in love, maybe. Have a long-term meaningful relationship, I doubt it. But, it depends upon the gap between your views, how strongly each person holds their views, why they hold their views, and other factors. If I wanted to find someone who shares my political views closely and was female, my target market would consist of only .0003% of the world's population. Or, in the U.S.A., only about .01% of the population. Of course, if I wanted it bad enough, I know where to find some...


There is no love in politics lol!

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