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When it was Hillary, they had nto yet made or defined the rules for email, but because of the ruckus about tHillary's emails, they made them. How ironic that Trump's people are now beign hoisted on that pittard, whioch Trump was in part responsible; for creating.


As long as they put her and the rest of her cohorts behind bars l don't care if he says a Million emails

Doing a little trolling, huh?

@david75090 Last l checked this was the POLITICS page, not david75090's politics page. I'm just stating my opinion about the subject. Is that okay with you or do you only want to hear from people that always agree with everything you say? You should try getting outside of that bubble once in a while.

@Captain_Feelgood Yep, like you said, I was stating my opinion and my opinion is, you're trolling. Saying something inflammatory to get a rise out of someone. In democracies are political opponents jailed without due process? No. Your advocating that is anti-democratic. I'll give you a little credit for having enough intelligence to know that. Your making a comment such as the one you made was not political, it was a trolling remark. People are free to do that, of course, just as others are free to point it out when it happens. Ordinarily, I don't like to feed the trolls, since they're usually trolling for attention.

@david75090 HAAhaha.. If me saying l want to see them in jail inflames your fragile feelings then so be it. I must be trolling. I consider you posting this in the politics page trolling because it is just you posting something inflammatory about somebody in the political world that you don't like. Now if you posted this in the "Trump Pinata" page, l would totally get it. Do you understand where l am coming from?

@Captain_Feelgood You're the same guy who says you enjoy seeing Trump's BS make people "mental". Your response here confirms what I'm saying (as if I needed confirmation). Some people are here for conversation, some people are here trying to aggravate others with their trolling. Trolls troll for attention. I apologize to the others for feeding the troll. Yes, I DO know where you're coming from.


I hope that Trump supporters are starting to realize that their rhetoric regarding Hillary has been wildly over the top and unfair for a long time. Let's not make the same mistake by calling for Ivanka's head over what is essentially small potatoes. We don't want to get side-tracked and lose sight of our main objective, to oust Putin's puppet regime. So yeah, point out the hypocracy and then bring the focus back to Donald's treason.

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