I think all states should follow the lead of Oregon and Portugal and decriminalize all drugs, only providing help for addicts.
Why hardly anyone dies from a drug overdose in Portugal [wapo.st]
Of course it should be legal, across the board. It's stupid that it was ever criminalized
in the first place.
@KKGator I'm not a conspiricy theorist, but I believe that the original scare campaigns and resulting legislation was due to the very powerful (at the time) lumber lobby, they were afraid that hemp was going to replace wood as a substitute for paper (and they were right!)
@RobCampbell It was the lumber lobby, newspaper barons, like William Randolph Hearst, and those who wanted a legal reason to deport Mexicans and imprison black people. There were quite a few factors that went toward criminalization of both hemp and marijuana. Two of the biggest factions in keeping it illegal on the federal level are Big Pharma and Law Enforcement. Both are making millions keeping it illegal.
@RobCampbell I read about that . They were also concerned that it would replace nylon , a new product that the oil industry wanted to market then . Lastly , they knew that those cultures that used it , used less tobacco & alcohol , 2 titans that no one other than big oil , could have a chance against .
Why not? Show me a case of someone getting stoned and beating their wife and children.
I could have shown you a case nearly 20 years where I got so high I beat a bunch of Mac and cheese with a spoon. Ate it all up. No witnesses.
I could, but it would be breaking HIPAA
@RushinroundWI are you going to tell me there weren't other substances being used, for real?
I get that you are on some sort of mission here . I will neither confirm nor deny anything but I have seen some bad stuff stemmed from unregulated weed only consumption. Let’s agreed to disagree and leave it at that! @Dida
I can’t disclose cases from my experience, however with Adolescent and young adult population I have seen severe psychosis cases stemming from use of weed only, from what we could tell based on the UDS results and reports. Use it if that’s what your choice as an adult but please do not share it with your children . That’s all and yes there’s hard evidence of earlier onset of schizophrenia with weed use. @Dida [ncbi.nlm.nih.gov]
I don’t need to google it, I work in AODA. But you do you! Whatever works for you , hope you can vouch for the quality of it. @Captnron59
I don’t operate on hearsay but on the sound clinical evidence. That said, I’m not, by any means, are here to make any choices for you. I’m only making choices for myself. My choices are clear, no substances that alter my mind coming into my own body. As for schizo disorders, that’s the bag you don’t want to open with me, as well as any substance disorders. And you are right, people lie all the time, medical tests do not lie for the most part, and I’ve been around to know better as well when it comes to taking people at the face value. @Captnron59
Yes, legalize, tax, regulate. Marijuana is far less risky than alcohol, and should not be classified with dangerous drugs. Also I am from Ann Arbor Michigan - famous for the annual Hash Bash and home of the once $5 pot possession ticket ($25 now). Basically, have always had decriminalized pot here. And we still always rank as one of the smartest cities in the country. We do not have any problems here linked to the very casual attitude about pot.
Of course we should legalize it. How abut all drugs, including heroin. Portugal did ut and saw a strong reduction in all criminal activities, illnesses and addiction.
@Stevil And we have a Pharma industry bent on keeping patients and growing new ones.
@Stevil , you'll be happy to know that New York State got a licence to grow hemp. The farm is about 60 miles away from me. They planted the seeds ( low THC, from Canada) last fall, under armed National Guard "protection. We will develop products that are viable ( meaning they can make money from it) and sustainable. Some farmers are really positive about this project, seeing that corn is not the way to make money , at least in NYS.
@Stevil And Switzerland developed the same policy right at the same time. And we like Switzerland. That's where all our money sits.
Love the van, I think it should be decriminalised, I have concerns re legalised, what would the corporate world lace it with? Like they do with tobacco, and let's be honest, should tobacco be legal?
You're right.
Hell, not to long ago there was a mock up of a "weed cigarette" from Marlboro. (Pretty sure it was them)
That's a legitimate concern.
Rugglesby, if one believes the information that is given to the public (yes, I know that's always questionable), the cannabis currently being sold in legalized states is highly regulated for a variety of characteristics, and so far, it does not appear that the majority of suppliers are affiliated with the major tobacco companies, or cartels.
A good area for concern but given the level of present usage and the cottage industry that supplies it. I doubt if big tobacco would get away with the crap they put into stuff now. Too many people know whats good and whats not. Recent experiences of " legal " states in the US have found that market forces have driven up the quality of weed.
Hell yeah, legalize. Why do I have to be a criminal?
ASA Activist since before they were the ASA
Legalization is the only acceptable goal.
I'm in California, it just became legal here recreationally. Medicinal cannabis has been legal here for several years. I've indulged off and on for over 50 years. I see absolutely nothing wrong with it. If you think it may help you medically, give it a try, but I would encourage you to think about edibles as smoking can be a bit harsh. Of course, with edibles you have to talk to the vendors about dosages.
I have smoked it had to quit when they started testing at work. So I saw absolutely no harm in smoking. I know there are many good uses for it. I think the biggest crime is putting someone in jail for it. Yes I believe it should be legal and you should be allowed to grow it yourself. It would be way better for society to ban alcohol and tobacco although I do smoke cigarettes.
@Captnron59 yes yes testing started back in the 80's didn't know about that then. Now retired so I don't have to worry.
Obviously legalize it. Do we live in a free society or not?
@Fanburger I have serious doubt that Marijuana causes permanent brain damage. Certainly I would just hazard a guess that it does significantly less to the human brain than the equivalent dose of Ethyl Alcohol.
OK... about what I expected. This is from Scientific American:
The Claim:
Casual cannabis use harms young people's brains.
The Facts:
A study found differences in the brains of users and nonusers,
but it did not establish that marijuana use caused the variations
or that they had any functional significance.
I have never met an angry pot smoker (back in my day we called them stoners, my kids tell me I shouldn't use that term.) I have met and dealt with angry drunks. I don't like angry people. I think it should be legalized, taxed, regulated, and enjoyed. If you want to make the drive I will share.
I used to be a big stoner back about 25 years ago . Why do they have reserves for the word ?
@Douglas I don't know, I guess it is not used as much anymore.
The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I’m saying,” Ehrlichman continued.
“We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.”
Yes it should be legal. Also not used while driving etc.... Unless it's just CBD in which case go ahead.
The driving issue was my only hangup when the measure came up for vote. But, I voted for it when it dawned on me people were doing it already.
@Condor5 Was watching VICE channel and they did a before and after demonstration on a closed driving course with a driver in place next to the stoned person. It's something awful.
But you're right they're already doing it. And on every drug whose bottle says "Don't operate heavy machinery".
I think it's probably similar to alcohol, some people can handle it, some can't. That said, I don't condone driving under the influence.
@Stevil That is a tolerance thing. Just like plenty of people on narcotics become tolerant and can drive well on what would make others drool. - State by State this has been interesting because Medical Marijuana pts pulled over for a tail light out have been prosecuted for driving while high. Even though they aren't functionally high.
Kind of looking forward to self driving cars.
100% in favor a legalizing marijuana... for fun and profit... and I mean that in the biblical sense... but only outdoors... on my patio... before, during and after... and I don’t even use.
More people will die this weekend from legal Rx drugs overdose or alcohol abuse, than marijuana OD in the history of the world part 1... which by the way is a great movie.
I only see benefits from legalization. Tax revenue, lower prison population, and it's safer than alcohol. I live in Maine, our economy has seen a large increase in recent years because of the decriminalization and legalization of marijuana.
I used to live in Maine when it was illegal , but I smoked it anyway . Then when my dad past away , I quit drinking & smoking everything . I don't have anything against it , I just decided to clean up then . I went back a few years later when it was authorized by one doctor for the entire state , & I lived around a lot of French stoners on the Northern Boarder that had to travel all the way Down East when the price of gas was almost $4 a gallon . My family talked me into coming back & getting a house here in WV. Not long after that , it was full blown legal up there . I wouldn't smoke it , but i wonder about what those snack treats would be like
100% in favor a legalizing marijuana... for fun and profit... and I mean that in the biblical sense... but only outdoors... on my patio... before, during and after... and I don’t even use.
More people will die this weekend from legal Rx drugs overdose or alcohol abuse, than marijuana OD in the history of the world part 1... which by the way is a great movie.
Absolutely legalize it for all purposes. Legalize all other drugs as well. Why? Enforcing these laws costs the taxpayers excessive amounts of money, and needlessly imprisons people who cause no real harm to the rest of society. Also consider the following:
100% in favor a legalizing marijuana... for fun and profit... and I mean that in the biblical sense... but only outdoors... on my patio... before, during and after... and I don’t even use.
More people will die this weekend from legal Rx drugs overdose or alcohol abuse, than marijuana OD in the history of the world part 1... which by the way is a great movie.