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LINK Homosexuality: It's about survival - not sex | James O'Keefe | TEDxTallaght - YouTube

A very interesting TED Talk.

Back when I was gettign my degree in Sociology, i had red a study out of the USSR that showed tht when a pregnant women is under a great deal of stress i8t increases the likelihood of the child beign born gay. This evidently has been confirmed by other studies now.

snytiger6 9 Nov 24

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Blaming the Mother for homosexuality is disgusting, untrue, and disproved Decades ago!
Just knock it off! Homosexuality occurs in all species, thruout recorded time! It is a "natural phenomenen" and Blaming is just nasty!

I don't think you watched the video. If you did, you'd have seen that stress in mothers durign pregnancy greatly increases the changes of meta-genetic switches turning on "gay genes". The mother is not responsible for this. This is an evolutionary ting and parents have littel influence over it. Stress is just one of many factors involved, but sexaul orientation is pretty much fixed and hard wired by the time a baby is born.

I mentioned the study that came otu of the old (1970's)USSR, because it collaborated that one factor, and it was interesting that a very anti-gay culture published a study which showed homosexuality was NOT the choice of any individual, which went against their national policies at the time.

Again, the video says it is nobody's fault, but rather a combination of genetic and environmental factors that occur when a fetus is in development.

I also though the video aligned with my own personal views that homosexuality is present because there is an inherent advantage to the species for its presence. I think the s0eaker put it together much better than I could have done myself. Of course I have nto kept up on the latest statistics coming out or recent studie.

@snytiger6 so, anyone whose mom was under stress during pregnancy should be gay? Like all the kids born in every war, famine, or peatilence ever, or a good portion of them? LOL! Straights would be a tiny minority if that was true in the slightest!

@AnneWimsey No. I fyou watched the video, you'd see that stress increases the chances of a kid beign gay from 3% to about 33%. So, under high stress there only about a one third chance of a child have the meta-genetic "gay switch) turn on.

There are also other factors. For instance the more soms a mother has the more likley additional sons will be gay. Again, watch the video. It's less than 20 minutes long, an dit is a bit of a pain to have to explain things if you are going to be too lazy to access information right in front of you.

@snytiger6 I watched it and it is pure bunkum.....P.T. Barnum lives!


Excellent! Thank you very much!


Beautiful. Thanks for posting!

skado Level 9 Nov 24, 2018

That just shows why my son is straight

Or rather why if you only have one son, that statistically he is much more likely to be straight, assuming the other meta-genetic variables weren't in play..

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