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What will historians 2000 years from now regard as a barbaric practice of the 21st century that we currently do without giving second thought?

GuitarDoctor 7 Nov 25

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Hunting, fishing and shooting. Lack of support for the under-privileged, homelessness, refugee detention.


Carpets. Covering the floors of your house with bits of dead animal hair which soak up dirt and are rarely washed or changed.


Circumcision, gay conversion therapy, prohibitive cost of education and healthcare, factory farming, locking people up and enrolling them in slave labor for possession of plants, giving out guns to any moron that walks into a wal mart or gun show with almost no questions asked, allowing unarmed people of color to be summarily executed with little to no consequences, operating motor vehicles and aircraft manually, sometimes while impaired, profiteering from war and immigrant pogroms, and the infinite ways we allow corporations to waste resources, destroying our environment and each other.




Probably killing animals to eat their muscles. We have the technology today to grow muscles in a test tube. It will likely be cost-effective and cheaper than growing the entire animal very soon (relative to 2000 years).

BD66 Level 8 Nov 25, 2018

Chemotherapy, hopefully


Our laws and corrrectional system


Destroying people financially for medical care.

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