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How do you celebrate Christmas?

Ok. Here's the thing. I'm atheist and for me Christmas is just another day. Off course is cool the be and share moments with family but nothing related with religion. That's why I wanted to know What do you do in Christmas?

Guapacha_2001 4 Nov 27

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We put up a tree, and lights, and decorations, but nothing religious. We make a nice meal, exchange presents.

Orbit Level 7 Nov 30, 2018

I go out to dinner with friends and enjoy a paid day off.


All the usual ways for me except the religious part. Trees, lights, decorations, music, family and friends, and all the warm conviviality shared between us, a few presents, and all that delicious food. I like it all!


Generally, I do not.


Too much food, too much drink....slobbing out in front of the telly! Missing the Queen’s speech for the unpteenth time! Looking forward to eating the cold cuts on Boxing Day. Glad it only comes once a year...hurrah!


I almost dream of the following Monday… I know, New Years is lurking.. But since it’s prettymuch devoid of religious connotations, I’ll acknowledge it. Mind you, I will have attempted to ‘observe’ (though not easy as society frantically scrambles in preparation for their christ mass) the Winter Solstice, which, being the reason for the season, allows me to lump whatever follows into the BS bucket 🙂

Varn Level 8 Nov 28, 2018

i have never been a christian. i don't celebrate christmas. i have been to christmas parties because they were given by friends and parties are nice, and these were secular parties (tree yes, jesus no) but i have never celebrated christmas itself, or what it purportedly means. christmas to me at best is an annoyance and it's not always at its best.



I usually work (I get paid double). It's just me and my pets, so I usually get new toys for everybody. The day is really more about family and less about religion because almost everybody accepts that christmas day was a pagan holiday first and the christians stole it for their own ends.


I love Christmas. It’s a time to be with my family, eat too much delicious food; exchange gifts; play with the little ones’ new toys; play silly games that are so much more fun after a few drinks (this year we have a game called ‘Santa vs Satan’.)

My daughters and I are going to go to the Christmas market and go to a nearby country estate where they have a huge lighting display. We’ll also have an afternoon with the children watching Christmas movies, eating popcorn and other snacks snuggled under blankets.

There’s no religion involved, just love and family.

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