I'm hopeful that I bought my last pack of cigarettes today. I'm planning on quitting on Tuesday (2/13/18, since posts aren't dated), and l just thought I'd put it out there, because while I'm unconvinced of the power of prayer, I still believe thoughts create our reality.
So, feel free to send thoughts of joy my way. I intend to celebrate my freedom from this stupid addiction.
Thanks, friends!
Side note: I've done this before, so unsolicited advice is not necessary. Feel free to comment on your successes, though!
My conviction to quit was doubled when the money from quitting piled up in my dresser drawer.
Breathing freely and waking up clear of phlegm is awesome joy!
Remember that the joy you will get from having quit is worth the pain it is to do it. I know that day 3 is the hardest. You almost have it licked!
It's day three and I'm doing fine! No worries! (I'm not even really struggling, and the weirdest part is that today was a ridiculously emotional day for me, all kinds of ups and downs.)
My joyful thought for you is that I hope you experienced enough pleasure from your other activities today that you did not even THINK about having a cigarette.
That's sweet. The thought occurs to me, but I just let it float away. I'm doing fine!
@Nottheonlyone I'm happy to hear that you are doing fine – keep it up! There is a joyful thought I am having myself that I will share with you: Lent starts today, and my memories of Lent are not happy ones. I am joyful to not be a Catholic and hope you are too.
Isn't it great to be free?
@Nottheonlyone Yes, it is great to be free! Here is my joyful thought for you today to help you through your first Friday is a non-smoker – you can have all the meat you want all day.
Maybe I'll splurge and have steak!
@Nottheonlyone I hope that you enjoyed your steak and are celebrating the start of your 2nd week as a non-smoker. Here is a joyful thought for all of us central Midwesterners: it has rained almost nonstop for the last 3 days with no end in sight. What is so joyful about that, you ask? Just picture what it would be like if it had been 15° cooler for the last few days.
I'm doing great! Back on the bike, too, feeling F-I-N-E, fine! Woohoo!
Good for you! Best of luck on making your freedom permanent this time! I'll be rooting for you.
just smoke lots of grass for 3 weeks and you're done with ciggies for life
Good luck to you. Cigarettes are a tough habit to kick. I've never smoked, but I've seen the hell others have endured.
I've learned that being joyful about it counteracts the suffering. Send joyful thoughts!