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So I think there are atheist and agnostics everywhere but they are in too deep on their social connections to come out.

So what do we need to do to make an environment where they can shrug their "closet atheism" and join us?

MustardSeed 7 Oct 27

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I think maybe they just think their beliefs, or non-beliefs, are nobody's business but theirs...yet another contrast to annoying evangelicals/proselytizers!


I agree, I see many who attend church, but don't really believe. They just go for ht esense of community and belonging.


People just want to belong and be part of the herd. Promoting this website and other like activities to make connections with people who think alike is a good start. Advertising on popular social media is a good way as I saw this on Facebook and decided to check it out.

SamL Level 7 Oct 28, 2017

This is why I like meetup. It is a chance to make friends and join together in causes.

Of course, I don't know, but it worked in my area.


I am loud & proud, no matter where I am & I always promote others to be the same. We will never truly be accepted if we continue to hide. When they see confidence in others, it builds their own. It works.....


it's a confidence in one's self and it's impossible to join that. Let's hope people become confident


I am generally out in most places, and with most friends. My only concern these days is that the far religious "right" is gaining such a foothold in the usa that it might become dangerous at some point. But I truly believe the old saying about folks coming for whomever ....

I try to be as authentic as possible, so that others might feel safer in being out. There is safety in numbers.


The main thing I saw in participating in the SSA on campuses, was that, especially on campuses and other places of learning, nonbelievers are everywhere. Convincing them that they need to take a stand, promote the secular movement, and fight for our civil liberties is hard. And this is just in the US, a relatively open society. I really feel for atheists in Africa or the Middle East, where they might be executed if they come out of the A-shaped closet.

Dylan Level 5 Oct 27, 2017

They are everywhere and we are probably the largest identifiable group in the USA now, but getting them to take action and speak out is the key. For some reason people find it hard to speak out against the church.

lead by example


I think if we had a truth serum to give to the general population, you'd be really surprised. I think there's even people who say they believe in god, who have simply convinced themselves that god must exist because so many people ascribe to the idea. In reality, I wouldn't be surprised if well over a third of people in the US are closet atheists. If we could actually bring out those masses to the forefront, we would be able to create an America that truly respects the separation of church and state.

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