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If you were given the chance, would you like to stay a certain age forever?

EmeraldJewel 7 Feb 13

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I was probably at my physical peak condition at age 33. I'd liek to have stayed in that condition, but not so sure about the rest.


Nope. I don't want to die right now but I don't want to live forever


Yes. I am currently 66. I would love to turn back time, but am absolute POSITIVE that I would no be a day younger than 40!


I think I'd like to keep the body of my middle-thirties. I was in great shape, I was kind of cute, I still thought life could work out, I could climb a flight of stairs without passing out, I could eat a doughnut without suddenly shredding my pants, and I didn't need farm implements just to get me out of the tub after a bath.

But I'd like to keep the learning stuff. The things I've picked up in the years since have been pretty valuable. I feel like if I had all that when I was in my thirties, my life would be so different than it is now.


Me, I'd like to be the age I am, 52 and retired, with the knees I had at 28.


No. I hope for a long, healthy, life and I wish the average human life span were at least double what it is; but I have no desire whatsoever to live forever--either in this world or in afterlife. Life is precious and has meaning because it is rare, and because it comes to an end.


Nope. I'm currently 43 and I have found each age seems to come with both good and bad things. I feel like I'm in a really, really good place right now. But I'm also looking forward to being an empty nester next year. Possibly moving half way across the country. I love life now but am also looking forward to what adventures lie ahead.


No. I want to be able to die.


Nope. As much as it sometimes sucks because of the natural onset of aches and pains, I wouldn't change my age progression for anything.


I'd like me 19 year old body back, but with my 47 year old brain.


Every time I take one of those, How old are you? tests online it determines that I'm perpetually 25, I'm OK with that. I have more wisdom now that I'm older but I'm not as cynical as some people my age.


I want the whole experience of being Human.


Depends on what is meant. If you mean that I could physically be 30 yrs old, and not age further, that would be nice, as long as I could continue to learn, and mature mentally.


If I could choose, I'd start over at 21, so I could do everything, like drink legally, and go back to the eighties, when I was a dancer. I'd live in my station wagon again, travel all over, this time realizing what a gift youth and beauty, and perfect health is, use it to my advantage, avoid all the heartache and mistakes I've made, and live to be about 72.


Absolutely not..


I used to think it would be ideal to be in my late 30s. Every age seems to reveal something new. It's nice to see what happens, so the answer from me would be, "Thanks, but I'm good."


hard choice but I think, no, as each year has brought me understandings that I wouldn't have had if I was stuck in 'groundhog year' - Now I am nearing seventy its interesting to see the challenges. I move slower am again less certain of myself , more breathless but with 'some' wisdom of age that allows me to laugh, because nothing is so important really, also people don't take me for granted I haven't yet been helped across the road but shall I think enjoy it if it ever happens. One of my problems is that i actually look and sound a lot younger than i am so by the time i do need help I may not get it . I find it interesting though.


Thirty three and half.


Yes and I would choose 40.


Depends on what the age is!


25 would be a good age to stay at forever if that were possible. Most people get plenty of sex are in excellent health and are in good shape at that age.


Well it depends. Like I'm 23 now and I wouldn't mind being practically 25 till I'm 100+ (If I don't like old age there's always euthanasia and while a long life may be tiring there are more opportunities in it). Biologically only though. Like still able to have kids, exercise still matters (weight gain, loss possible)... Normal is working so far.

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