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Why do we feel territorial about parking space?

Living in a three-plex, I have two reserved, covered parking spaces. One space for my car; the other for guests.

Have always felt archly amused when normally kind men swear at bad drivers while behind the wheel. Road rage? Not me.

But for the last two days, a Honda sedan has been illegally parked in my second reserved space. Using duct tape, I stuck two notes on the windshield:


"Your car is in my parking space. If you don't move your car immediately, it will be towed. Towing is expensive for you."

"I have guests coming for the holidays," I told the building manager. She said the Honda will be towed in 24 hours.

I was suprised by how aggravated and territorial I felt!

"Refugees are starving and you're upset about a spare parking space?" I thought. "Put this in perspective."

The jerk finally moved his car last night. He tore up my notes and threw them on the ground.

After picking up the litter, as is my habit, I breathed a sigh of relief.

LiterateHiker 9 Dec 13

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Humans act very bizarrely with parking spaces. I don’t get the obsession to getting the absolute closest spot possible. I’ve seen people wait for someone to pull out when it’s much quicker to get a spot that availability a few spaces further away. I’ve seen this behavior in gym parking lots.

I’m somewhat of a young buck still, so I typically park a good distance away so people that may need closer spaces can have them. It’s OK. The extra 100 feet aren’t going to kill me.


Usually because we follow the rules and do not like it if someone else does not.

I like the simplistic truth to this one



I park as far away from the store and anyone else possible because I have a nice car and I would love to keep it that way.
It always amazes me how often a huge pickup will park right beside me when there’s a whole parking lot.

Doesn't that just frost you when they do that? I mean, what's up with that?

People that drive newer or pricier vehicles like to park next to the same because they presume those people will take extra care not to let their doors fly open.

My truck is older now and scratched from vandals but when it was new, I absolutely looked for a spot between two new vehicles.


Next time... Just go to Walmart!

Head to the kitchen items and get a basting needle setup (for injecting flavor into meat) and then over to the sporting goods section to get a bottle of fox urine.

Load the basting syringe with fox urine and stick it through the rubber weatherstripping of the car to spray all over the inside and on the upholstery. Of course this works great if it is a really hot day... But still smells bad on a cold one. When you pull the needle back out you will leave absolutely no mark anywhere and the person will be wondering how you did it.

Wtf? That's evil af.

I like it


Do you pay a premium for that extra space? Most apt complexes and other developments where there is assigned parking typically leaves guests with a select few spots. If I had to pay an extra premium to ensure my visitors had a place to park I'd sure as hell be territorial. LOL!


Two reserved, covered parkings spots are included in the rent.


That's when it's fun to block their car in ...
"ya wanna park here ? STAY !"


lol at our office building, we have no assigned parking spaces...and we have more parking spaces than tenants but somehow, we all have our own designated parking spots...I think it is a weird thing as well...sometimes I want to park closer to the building, but I don't want to take the spot where the grey Honda accord parks...I won't be towed, obviously, but out of some weird parking space respect, I park in my spot...third bush on the north side...

At work, i always chose the covered garage that was across the street from convenient, but few spaces near the door in an open lot. I could not be bothered with the addes office politics about parking.

@Lillyfield41 is ridiculous, especially when it snows...I park in one of twelve visitor spots now because I have a bad knee and I get dirty looks...uh, we get no visitors...chill, people! ha ha

My self assigned spot is far enough way from the entrance to not violate the customer only parking, yet not all the way out in BFE. There are two smallish oak trees side by side. One has a bird shitter and the other doesn't

I used to park under the bird shitter cuz it is a bigger tree but those birds can shit a lot in 8 to 10 hours. So now I park under the smaller tree which still affords some shade with no bird shit.

It's all about the shade down here

edited to correct another goddam typo


Next time do not leave a note. Have it towed. HE (she?) should have left a note. And if you see the same car, have it done immediately.


Those of us who believe in civility and respect, sometimes feel indignation at these trespasses, and justifiably so. We give respect, we expect it in return. Unfortunately, there are many out there that were not raised with the same principles.


I live across the street from a Catholic church. One Sunday morning my son went outside to find one of the parishioners blocking our driveway. He talked to the church and told them it was bad enough that they park all around the house, but NEVER block our driveway again or the car will be towed. So far, we haven't had any issue.


I just have a little Ford Focus and can usually fit in any spot. But I get super annoyed if 2 vehicles hug the yellow line on either side of a space so that I can’t even fit my little car there

@PalacinkyPDX yep! Or when a truck tries backing into a stall but doesn’t quite have the driving skills to accomplish it


Because you captured it. Primal lizard brain kicks in defend what you capture.


I'm worse. There is just enough room on the public street in front of our house to park one car. But! It's dangerously close to our mailbox.. DANGEROUSLY CLOSE. Whenever anyone parks there, I track them down and tell them; YOU'RE BLOCKING MY MAILBOX. MOVE YOUR CAR." The neighbors are good natured and tell any and all guests/workers to not park in front of old man "Bigpaw's" house.....

ha ha good to know...having a bit of a reputation for being cranky is a good thing...ha ha

I've let it be known that I've a documented and medicated case of PTSD from "The War". And that I've a CCW (concealed carry weapons) permit. And, my next door neighbor is the Chief of Police and we get along really well. People tend to leave me alone. 😉

@bigpawbullets that should do it! ha ha

Just one USAF security trained German Shepherd.
The rest sounds like an excellent plan.

I'm more familiar with claymores. Land mines might be problematic with our irrigation system.


Because our vehicles are an extension of ourselves?

Varn Level 8 Dec 13, 2018

I don't know why but it pisses me off to see someone in "my" space at work. My is in quotation marks because I do not have an assigned space; it just happens to be the one I chose as mine

That is why I tend to park in the same spot all the time even if I see an empty closer to the building...I don't care if someone parks where I normally spot, we have lots of spaces, but some people just are territorial and like the comfort of going to the same place when they leave at night...I get it...I won't steal your spot! ha ha ha


I feel frustrated even if it is an unassigned stall at work. I park in the same stall all the time, every day and I'm even early to make sure of it. When my routine is broken when my stall is gone it throws off my day.
When people used to park in my second stall at an old apartment I would leave a friendly note the first time. The second time I towed them out of it.

It will only affect me for a little while before the days work distracts me but the flash irritation will return when I leave and see my precious parked NOT where it should be lol


Gee, I hope it's the end, not the beginning of something


Wow, that's some aggressive behavior. I think I would have written a note that said something like: "please find another spot to park by xx/xx I have company coming, or I have to tow your car". I would write a much different note if it wasn't where I live or if the spot was nowhere near my car. Then I would agree with the aggressive approach.

Nah. I'd have confronted the asshole.


The asshole left his car in my spot for two days.

First I put a note under his windshield wiper. Carrying a bigger note ("NO PARKING. MOVE THIS CAR NOW" ) and duct tape, I taped both notes firmly onto his windshield. Hoped the tape would be hard to remove. The car was not moved.

Then I called the manager. She promptly called around, asking if anyone knew the car owner. No luck.

"If the car is not moved in 24 hours, I will have it towed," she told me. He moved the car that night, tearing up my notes and throwing them on the ground.

What a jerk!

Some people are just abrasive.

I don't think she was overly aggressive at all. She left a note and was ignored.


We must not encourage rude behavior,good job


Thank you.


I was moving in to my house, and a neighbor two houses away told me my van - in front of MY house- was in his parking space. Two years later, when out to dinner with his hair dresser, she told me the street i live on is full of real jerks, then told me of the parking fight i had on day one. Needless to say, when i got home, there was another fight in the neighborhood.

We get parking wars in the summer...people dig out a place in the street and some asshole parks there...I have seen people snow people in for doing that...fights is nuts!

@thinktwice i'm seen some fights in philly!


Because you pay for the space.


we are creatures of laws and rules then we try to cerconvent them by ignoring them thinking it makes us rebels or bad people. We pay rent on those spots so we need to have them for our use. I found aprtment mangement do not enforce the rules.


I park far away because it's better for my health. Light green eyes I sometimes find a huge vehicle parked beside me. Fortunately I parked far enough away that I can just drive forward and not worry about it anyway. More than likely the people that Park beside me just want to walk as well and why they didn't park in a Solo spot is beyond me but it doesn't really make me angry if they do Park beside me. I drive an older car perhaps that's the reason I'm so Live and Let Live.


I don't mind walking... so I don't look for parking closer to the store... I am annoying to many normal people... and I don't mind... but I admit having forgotten where did I parked on a night of party, dancing and drinking... Not Good.

I live in Florida so we look for the spaces under trees rather than up front.

@Lucy_Fehr Looking for that shadow... I like florida... no mountains. Big City life is a hustle... too many cars, too little parking... make people crazy. Right Town in Florida can Work for sure.


Whoever parked there did not ask you, but just took what he wanted. He intruded on your turf, and that's nearly always annoying. And he was a sulky brat when you called him out. You summed it up in one word: Jerk.


...what your anger is is about tribalism...mine over yours etc...In all honesty we all get like that at times, either over something as small as a parking space or as large as denying an entire group or race (which is technically only a human construct to differentiate classes of people via physical features, yet we never call dogs of differing backgrounds races of dogs).

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