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Gun control? Yes or no and why?

Mark9393 6 Feb 15

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What is the purpose of a gun?

Let's see.
It's sole design purpose is killing.
It has no other use. You own a gun, you are making a statement that you are prepared to kill. You can say that it is for defence, but you are prepared to kill to defend yourself.

What is needed is a change of attitude and clear thought and open discussion. Removal of guns in the states won't happen. Guns are currently so readily available that there is a cycle of fear - I need a gun to defend myself from criminals who carry guns. Criminal thinks, if I break into a house to steal stuff, I need to take a gun to defend myself from home owner who has a gun and will shoot me if I'm caught whether or not I am armed - so I take a gun because it's less risky.

See the problem you have here?

The only way to reduce gun deaths in the states is to start small - maybe with stopping the sale of the bits to convert weapons to fully automatic. Once people have the hang of that, get rid of semi-auto weapons. Little by little.

I hear Americans regularly say "Guns don't kill people - people kill people" Please forgive me, but I'd rather meet a killer armed with a pencil sharpener than an AR15...


Control, definitely, we don't let people have nukes. If possible I would only restrict potential killers from having access to guns, and everyone else is fine. but ....................


I like the term, "Gun ownership regulation". Right-wing gun nuts cry out their sick interpretation of the 2nd Amendment every time guns are brought up. Some convicted felons are not allowed to own guns. That's not in the Constitution. People in prison are not allowed guns. That's not in the Constitution. We already have some gun ownership regulations. But what we have now is inadequate. I am a gun owner, but am not against more regulations at all. Countries with greater gun control have safer, happier, less paranoid populations.


No... No Gun Control...... GUN ELIMINATION!!!!!


Yes, because assault rifles like the AR15 were designed for the modern military. So, same reason why we have controls on rocket launchers, flamethrowers, and nuclear weapons. The "right to and keep and bear arms" was written in days of muskets, and never did mean "the right to keep and bear all arms ever developed."

The AR15 rifle is a semiautomatic version of the US Armies M16 which is a full auto.There are a lot of more powerful and longer range guns that it. It is also the largest selling rifle in America or has been at times. I’m sure there’s millions of them out there. We may need those AR15 rifles someday to fend off a tyrant like Obama. According to Thomas Jefferson that was one of the main reasons for having the 2nd amendment.

@Trajan61 I’ve stopped thinking you’re joking… “a tyrant like Obama”? It’s the likes of what came both before and after President Barack Obama this nation has to worry about! ...and not sure about your compairing AR’s to M16’s … other than one’s become the ‘consumer version’ of the other.. Feeding into the rhetoric that ‘Obama’s gonna take your guns’ is what’s put millions more out there. What next -- claiming ‘Obama woulda took your guns’? They should march people with your mindset through the carnage of a school massacre - each one ~

@Varn My guns have never been used in anger against anyone so what in the hell are you talking about? If you can’t see Obama for the arrogant gun control nut he was your obviously only seeing things from the liberal side.

@Trajan61 My posts have been far from liberal … and honestly, I’m sick of having that label tossed at me everytime I espouse an an intelligent thought.. President Obama’s #1 concern was for healthcare for US citizens; acquiring what little he could immediately consumed his political momentum - and doomed the courageous Democrats it took to pass it. Had ‘gun control’ been his first priority -- it may have stopped the hideous atrocities committed by those you couldn’t during his 8 years in office. Your arguments are as dead as the victims you should feel at least partially responsible for … and that comes from a former Republican, gun owner, and successful parent..

@Varn Anyone who supported Obama would have to be liberal as he was very liberal and a gun control nut. Hell he never saw a gun control bill he didn’t like. If he could have he would have seized every gun in the country or at least made them illegal and subject to seizure. Doesn’t it bother you that 4 of the Supreme Court judges don’t recognize the 2nd amendment as giving private citizens the right to bear arms. It seems it should if you are for keeping any guns as 4 of the judges believe it’s ok for a city to have laws prohibiting their residents from having a gun in their own home. If that’s not a total ban I don’t know what is.

@Trajan61 I so appreciate that such rhetoric is rare around here. It’s actually rare within this nation, and rarer yet around the world.. I only hope the legitimate outrage lasts through november... Obama out 😉

@Trajan61 LOL! Well good luck with your AR-15 vs. a Warthog or Ratheon phalanx gatling gun. Or I suppose you think we should be allowed to own them, too, yeah? They're arms, after all. Nuclear weapons, too. I'm very interested to know if you think we should be allowed to own those types of weapons as well. Please.

There's a lot of difference between an AR15 and the weapons you mentioned. Since Trump took office those weapons are on our side so no worry there.


Yes oh yes. Who on earth NEEDS an assault rifle?? Hell we have the highest murder and violent crimes rate in the world and the other nations do not have assault rifles walking the streets. No excuse is even possible to support the right to have an assault rifle, NO excuses can even exist and if they do , please share one with me

EMC2 Level 8 Feb 16, 2018

statistics =

jeffy Level 7 Feb 16, 2018

There is a lot of propaganda in favor of guns - here is some antidote

jeffy Level 7 Feb 16, 2018

I like guns, I own guns, and I would like to see regulations tightened.


I'm from Brazil where citizens cannot have guns but they are trying to revoke this prohibition. I think people should be able to do whatever they want as long they are responsible for. You would not allow a kid to play with a sharp knife but most of adults are responsible enough to handle a knife safety. Given that, I don't think the average brazilian is responsible enough to handle a gun nor the government able to control who is or not so, in Brazil, I'm would vote for keep the prohibition.

Now I'm living in U.K and I think people here could, maybe, be allowed to have guns, with restrictions, of course


Gun control would make it safer. It would not be perfect, but it would help


I belong to a shooting club with a 1000 members. I have been associated with this organization over 12 years and guess what not one member has had a problem with the law in this period. Many of these members support gun laws that are reasonable. Assualt rifes are not needed for hunting. Magazine size should be limited. Backgroung checks only work at time of application. Perhaps we should have a a medical review every 5 years for license holders. Remove weapons from any domestic violance case. Eliminate funding of politics by corporations and lobbists. All campaigns should be funded publicly and for only a three month campaign period to reduce costs. Gun enforcement needs to be increased as to many guns are being sold on the street illegally. Gangs needs to be broken up and placed in jails.Drugs again need to be made legal and removed from the gang element to eliminmate cash for these elements. Clinics could be used to care for these addicts. Reduce the number of police shows on tv and in the movies. The kids see nothing but violance over and over and do not realize the power and results they can have with a gun.


I vote no on gun control. We don’t even enforce the laws we have now. Why do we need more?

Because innocent people are routinely being shot and killed. That is why we need more.


Yes because of all the deaths compared to say the UK where I live.

In the UK you don’t even have the right to defend yourself against someone who is bigger and stronger than you. If a crinimal chooses to beat the crap out of you your screwed. The gun is just a tool, just like an automobile.

you do have the right to defend yourself @Trajan61. I don't think you should shoot everyone who hits you either. how do you tell a criminal hitting you from someone who isn't a criminal anyway? so is a tank busting warthog a tool and an atomic bomb?

. In America if someone breaks into your home you can just shoot them, no questions asked. In England you don’t have that right.

Why are you so concerned about guns in the US when you live in England. Hell if it weren’t for the US you’d probably be speaking German today if you were still alive. In England your at the mercy of the crinimals. You can keep your system but I plan on keeping ours.

@Trajan61 Maybe because he has concerns that should affect us all . Thankyou so much for saving us from the Gemans . Try and grow up .


I live in North Carolina where the only thing people love more than God is guns. Little Betty Crocker House Wives probably own a couple of assault weapons. the most important thing to take from this conversation is that most fireworks are illegal here because somebody might get hurt. there is only so much pseudoephedrine that you can buy if you so happen to have the sniffles. Pepper spray used for self-protection is something that has to be researched. Excessively high concentrations of capsicum may render some pepper spray illegal.

@Travel1 The only way to not get killed by gun violence is to have more guns so you can shoot the person who could potentially shoot you before they have a chance to kill you with a gun.

@Travel1 sometimes I try to make arguments against guns by being ridiculously Pro guns. In order to keep kids safe in schools let's just cut to the Chase,make it mandatory for 12 year olds and older to be armed with fully loaded AK-47s in classrooms.. The pro-gun inbreds usually agree with me. After all guns are completely safe they don't kill anybody.

in fact, even better make it mandatory for everyone in America to have at least an assault rifle, anyone found without said gun should be shot. better safe than sorry? ps then you know if you shoot someone they can defend themselves.

@RoboGraham True story... he reminded me of the marine that waits to get drunk before cleaning his gun and was so drunk that he dropped the gun got shot in the foot and didn't noticed so he continued cleaning his gun until dropping it again and getting shot a second time needing an ambulance. Military doctor telling him... "son, you been shot twice, do you remember the first shot?"


We have gun control, it's just the criminals and insane are ignoring the rules. I don't think taking away the right to keep and bear arms is going to make any real difference in this country. Better to have a fully armed citizenry to protect ourselves from the nutjobs running around.

How is that working out so far? I am in a foul mood, so I will make one more remark: it is the gun dealers and gun selling citizens who do not comply with the laws in the name of making a profit, and the NRA whose only concern is more gun sales. And if you think a fully armed citizenry is important, then look at Switzerland where every household has a gun, but not an AK-47 or other assualt rifle.

I agree with you.... But i don't see the need for a civilian to own an assault rifle

Yah, we’ve had laws against murder, too … how are those working? How bout taking away military assault weapons with banana clips, to start? We can keep our home defence handguns, they’re not the weapon of choice for mass murder. ...and where was that ‘fully armed citizenry’ when those kids needed them!? That’s the failed mentality that keeps these horrors coming -- that - and those too confused to vote for and support leadership willing to make a lasting difference..

Your one of the few on this website who has any sense about guns!

@Spinliesel, Your post contains some factual errors.

Not every household in Switzerland has a firearm. Switzerland has about 2 million firearms in the country, and a population of about 8 million. So, roughly one in four Swiss citizens has a firearm.

To say "...but not an AK-47 or other assault rifle" is also incorrect. Swiss residents are not allowed to purchase fully automatic weapons, but semiautomatic weapons such as the AR-15 often used in US mass shootings are perfectly legal there. Also, any member of the Swiss militia keeps their government issued SIG SG-550 rifle at home. The SIG has four settings, safe, single fire, 3 round burst, and fully automatic. So yes, they absolutely do have assault rifles at home.

The biggest differences between the two countries comes in how firearms are purchased. In order to purchase a firearm, a swiss resident must present official identification, their residence address, a copy of their criminal record less than 3 months old, and their weapon acquisition permit which must be less than 2 years old. But wait, there's more! They also have to have all of these things to purchase ammunition! In order to obtain a weapon acquisition permit, a person must not be psychologically disqualified, must not be deemed a security threat, and must have a clean criminal record. That's a lot more strict than most places in the US.

it would be called a defence rifle if that is what it's for not an assault rifle.


No, if enough Americans shot each other then people from other parts of the world can move to the US and create a real just, free and caring society with sane laws.

Seeing as your from Canada why are you so concerned about US gun laws. You should be more concerned about getting rid of that idiot Trudeau!

@Trajan61 The mind set that is behind your pro gun nonsense is being spilt over into our country by the conservatives here, not to mention that innocent people dying because of stupid disturbs me as much as it should any rational person. The world we all live in is shrinking, what happens in any place on earth can and will effect us all.

@Trajan61 that's a really stupid comment to make. Merica has an unqualified, Russian backed, con man, reality star who doesn't know what a constitution is. His pornstar wife, who barely speaks English, is the First Lady

@Kojaksmom Well said madam !

american guns are not kept in America either, take trophy hunting for instance when you go and shoot a beautiful animal that's rare just to have its head bolted up to your wall. whole rooms of dead animals as if they did it in an equal way rather than standing a good distance away and pulled a trigger.


Absolutely! Guns give people power to act on impulse. Guns give people power to inflict carnage.

it's as easy as opening a can of Pepsi


I have always said no because I feared it would be a first step in taking other freedoms but since Sandy Hook, my views have been changing although I wouldn't support a total ban

Same here.. I’m a gun owner, even used one like a tool last summer. But this remains too much… Someone posted the photos of the Sandy Hook victims on my facebook feed -- something serious needs done!

@Crimson67 Why not ban guns completely ? Do you really need a gun for anything ? A shooting club I can understand , where the firearm is kept under secure conditions . Home defence.? Against what ? Is the American society filled with people trying to break into your home ? What if there were no guns at all . Make it a very serious offence , punished by a long prison term if a firearm is used in the commission of a crime ... Personally , I find it weird the excuse that a gun is needed for self defence. Don't you have a police force?

isn't a dog or alarm and a taser a much better home defence idea and cheaper? if anyone makes a mistake you survive too.

@MarcIveson Ever since watching Bowling For Columbine, where Michael Moore went down a suburban street in Canada (across the US border from Detroit) opening unlocked doors to ask ‘if anyone was home’ … I’ve wondered the same about not having guns.. But as a dad, out with our young family, or riding bicycles on a remote ‘liner trail’ with my young daughters ..past some dangerous looking creeps ..or living 30+ years up a dead end valley in the foothills of nowhere ...having what it took to protect my family from the dangers that were/ are out there was at least comforting...

In a tent with our young sleeping wives at a remote campsite in the Cascade Mt’s of Oregon I silently listened to what sounded like a couple of vehicles approaching.. threatening ‘war hoops’ and words from the no doubt drunk/ drugged passengers. I quietly asked if my cousin ‘heard that?’ … he said, “I’ve got my gun right here.” Our wives remembered nothing when asked the next morning, as the danger had driven on, past our inlet. ...after ‘the 2 week waiting period,’ I had my own - my 1st gun. I’d be very, very reluctant to give it up.. Ours remains a massive, diverse and wild nation, both good & bad ~


Yes. Because they’re out of control ~

Varn Level 8 Feb 16, 2018
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