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Follow the money.


So why was marijuana made illegal? Good ol racism nothing more nothing less.

Why is marijuana still illegal? Because we as Americans are governed by Lobbyists and Super PAC money which ironically we supply by having to purchase extremely over inflated medications which these groups take a good part of the proceeds and pay our political system to not recognize any other forms of treatment as being legal as well as not forcing them to sell us the same medication at the price that’s charged in over half of the world.

As far as the government’s information goes.
The U S government has only allowed one school since the 70’s to grow and test marijuana for any medical research and that would be the University of Mississippi.
Which is in Mississippi one of the most racist and intolerant states in our country so if anyone thinks that they’re going to provide a fair and respectable research...well don’t know Mississippi.

But seriously it’s been reported that what they’re given to conduct research with would get your ass beaten on the streets for trying to sell it. So of course they aren’t able to find any quality material to use.

But as other countries and independent researchers have discovered just as in your post certain components within Cbd’s from certain strains of marijuana can essentially destroy the dna cells within certain forms of cancer.

So what that means is that not all marijuana has healing or cancer fighting components and in some cases the Cbd’s themselves have been genetically modified in order to have effective properties.
Also the research is still at the point where we don’t know if it completely eradicates the cancer cells preventing the cancer from returning.
Nor do we know whether or not since there has been some genetic modifications done will the treatment actually cause any other issues in the future.

So yeah it is stupid and even though we knew back in 1970 when Nixon requested the university of Virginia to conduct a study to prove that marijuana caused cancer and four years later their findings actually showed that not only did it not produce cancer but it actually worked against certain types of cancer.
Our government is still getting paid to not allow it to be legal.

So maybe El Chapo and the other narcos should’ve created a lobbying group to buy our politicians instead of giving some asshole the idea that we need a wall more than we need a cure for cancer.


Ok this video actually shows just how at odds our own government is when it comes to marijuana

" we cannot legalise it because it would confirm we fucked up and could get sued "


Weed was never a problem until one day someone peddled the notion that when white women use it they turn to black men for sexual satisfaction then it was made illegal. That’s what I heard somewhere anyway.

Nardi Level 7 Dec 26, 2018

Very close to the truth. Here in the states it became and issue when during the jazz scene of the 20’s and 30’s when young whites were fraternizing with African Americans and Latinos at the clubs.

You also have to consider that during this time period the KKK was at its highest membership of over 350,000 and those supporting segregation was nearly tripled that.
So marijuana was made illegal but ironically The United States government still holds the patent for Cannabis. Go figure right?

@48thRonin i didn't know there was a patent on it 0.o

@Nardi #6630507 sir


The ONLY existing cures for ANY type of cancer are surgery, chemo and/or radiation. But I'd love to find a cure for rampant misinformation.


Cannabis has not not been shown to cure incurable brain cancer. Your "if" is not correct.[]


According the late Dr. Thomas Szasz: "A government can make an act illegal or leave it alone. To talk about legalizing any act or drug implies relationship between a superior and an inferior, between a parent and a child."


it also cures ingrown toe nails, hemorrhoids and pattern baldness.

But I'm being flippant. I read over the anecdotal research. There does seem to be some indication that CBD can inhibit progress of cancer in some people. However, it has been difficult to get comprehensive studies due to past prohibition. Hopefully this will now change.


because at the moment big pharma doesn't make a profit from it - but i don't think that is too far now


I really hoped when I clicked, at the risk of getting computer cancer, that this was just a shit satire site.

Where do you guys even find this stuff?


Reality is that while cannabis can kill cancer cells, as many other things can kill cancer cells too, it does so at an extremely slow rate versus cancer cell division to cure anything. Period. Don’t believe the hype. Until a hundred people can PROVE that they ONLY used cannabis (or anything) to rid themselves of cancer (anything), let your excitement go.

That was the educated scientist in me.

The pot smoker in me says, I have smoked a ~gram of pot a day for thirty three years.
I got cervical cancer ten years ago.
That says something to me about the effectiveness of cannabis on cancer.

does it depend how its taken? - cbd oil i think isn't quite the same as smoking a spliff


the liquor and tobacco industries, who compete for customers (and lose) wherever pot is legal, have big lobby power. big pharma has a lot to lose as well.



Because big business don't have the monopoly on cannabis farms yet. Just wait.

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