On the Pakistan Defense site.
Hmm, I wonder how much they would owe the palestinians who had their entire country, essentially, stolen & are now living in a huge walled concentration camp?
You shouldn't really start a conversation with a logical fallacy. It's a good way to stop discussion or demonize any opinion that isn't lock step with yours.
The fact is that either side could be doing this. That's not whataboutism, it's fact. Both sides have done atrocious things to each other. They both need to get their shit together and stop being hypocrites.
Compensation is one of those iffy topics. Just here in the U.S. we have a few possible needs to address if done like Native Americans (include European countries); slave descendants; Japanese Americans. Probably more. Large swaths of African nations' populations could make claims on many countries. I don't have an answer.
I do have a separate question that could solve many nations financial woes - Why not go back to a system of loan forgiveness that existed a couple centuries ago and averaged happening every 60 to 100 years as past generations died.
Unfortunately my computer wouldn't let me click on the link. I was curious about your post because this is the first I've heard about the Pakistan Defense site. I must have been too busy to read the news that day?
This is the heading of the article:
"Israel said set to seek $250b compensation for Jews forced out of Arab countries"