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LINK T-Mobile, Sprint, and AT&T Are Selling Customers' Real-Time Location Data, And It's Falling Into the Wrong Hands - Motherboard

This is pretty outrageous. I think location data is more private than the content of your phone calls, for any random bounty hunter to be able to retrieve it is well beyond the pale. Just imagine if anyone who got hold of your phone number could just query where you were at any one time.

Denker 7 Jan 10

Enjoy being online again!

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Anybody who uses half their brain half the time, will be fine. Check in on your elderly friends & relatives, they grew up when it was okay to be more trusting.

You might be fine, but what about a whistleblower, or someone trying to leave Scientology? There are quite a few people out there for who this is not ok, and these companies should be more responsible

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