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LINK Feast Fit For A Burger King: Trump Serves Fast Food To College Football Champs : NPR

I Literally Can't Even. I can't even almost even.


SkotlandSkye 8 Jan 15

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It's just so incredible and disgusting that we have stooped sooooo low. It's hard to explain how I feel about this imbecilic event.


I guess he figures since he loves that shit, everyone else does to???? As usual, he's a fucking moron!!!

He also had pizza. lol


By this I can only imagine that no reputable restaurant would deliver thinking they'll probably get stiffed for the bill.?

Do we know if he actually paid up?

@jerry99 I could see the corporations easier to absorb the loss then an independently-owned restaurant.


I'd like to think that athletes would have great consideration for a healthy diet but the story went that they ate all of it.

probably just hungry.... but, man, they should have walked out.


Can someone help me understand the ire behind this? I get it, Trump is an egotistical moron who is possibly mentally incapacitated but this seems like such banal criticism.

Who cares?

I think it just shows how ridiculous the government shut down has staff to do anything with class or dignity, not that he wouldn't have made the same choices is not the meal as much as the gravity of the shutdown...

You have an obese idiot obsessed with fast food feed athletes junk that he likes. This was supposed to be a celebration. The athletes thought they were being punked.

@thinktwice Fair enough. Thank you.

@Green_eyes It is his fault, but the government is shut down. Cooks weren't available right? From what I read, the players (with one or two exceptions) didn't really care either.

I guess I just see it as a non-issue, but I understand that it represents this farce of a shutdown.

@Green_eyes Oh, that is so sad...I didn't know that...looking forward to a high class meal in the WH and you get fast food wrappers and common food...those poor kids...but, it is also a reminder of how many kids are going to need to be fed so our food stamp and health care for kids needs to childish...I hate them all

@Xuande He was boasting that he paid for it himself. The players described it as cold and inedible. For near the same cost he could have catered. He wanted to embarrass those boys to make a point... that’s sad. He wanted a photo op.

He's all about cutting down costs at the white house? Then again he never had to invite them there in the first place...


I bet the Superbowl winners will get a dinner catered by Denney's


We truly have a clown in office...

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