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And in other news, the world keeps on turning...; if it seems bad now, I shudder to think what will happen if 45 is removed from office.

I shudder to think what will happen if he remains in office.

@HippieChick58 ,either's scary to ponder. I wish he'd just quit like Tricky Dick did.


The progress is not to the liking of most Americans even the republicans cannot stand the direction trumper is headed.


These bottom feeders still make up a fairly small percentage of the population (about 15 - 18%). They're just making more noise than usual because they feel empowered by the 2016 election.

Most people voted for Trump because they actually bought in to the notion that he was going to "clean up DC". They overlooked his many serious shortcomings as a human being in favor of the idea that he would be something different. A fish swimming against the tide who would bring the DC elite in line with the will of the people.

That, of course, never happened because Trump has never been a product of his own making, so he has neither the leadership skills nor the experience to pull anything of the sort off.

Our next president may very well be a Republican, but they probably won't be anything like Trump. Moral character will be front and center in the 2020 elections and any individual with a demonstrated history of misogyny, ethnocentrism, xenophobia and/or racism will probably find the campaign to be very tough sledding.

Can you name one rethuglican with Moral character?

@jorj lol..I keep forgetting he republican..

@jorj thanks for the update..


True, because Trump has fanned the flames of racism, ethnocentrism, and xenophobia. He is a conscienceless demagogue and provocateur


Of course, after all Donald is promoting it to the hilt.


They have always been there. Trump made them feel emboldened.


Don't I know it...

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