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Why am I not surprised?...


Still the RCC is the world's largest Christian Sect. Somewhere around 1.3 Billion, a large amount are in countries where people don't read so well, and this shit doesn't get much coverage on Fox and Friends so it largely is ignored.

JCII Level 5 Apr 1, 2019

All molesters should be put to death. It is a fact that they cannot be cured and to casterate them ,they will progress to murders to fulfill the sick impulse . And these priest that are doing this to kids and all the people that are covering up for them and allowing this to happen and continue it total bullshit and needs to be stopped and these sick fucks dealth with . Just another example of how religion is used to had behind .

I am more for locking them up where they cant' harm anyone. Repeat offenders shoudl be locked up until they are dead.


We have a lot of nice islands in Alaska we can send them all to along with the rapists, murderers, and Trumpanzee terrorists.... They can live out their lives peacefully without hurting anyone but themselves and each other.... Just give them some farming supplies and a few live stock and the rest is up to them...


More like every diocese world wide.


It's like a paradise for pedos


And nothing will happen to them. Here in Australia we have the highest bishop, his name is Pell and he has been hiding this. He has been convicted but the press is not allowed to print anything about it. Just disgusting.

the priests and other religious can hide, but eventually the truth will come out, and members of the church won't be able to protect him from paying for their sins.


Pretty pathetic that there are still catholics in this country.
Or anywhere else, for that matter.
The RCC makes the mafia look like boy scouts.
All the Abrahamic religions are evil.
ALL religion is evil.


Ho-hum. More religious pedophilia.


Kill all pedophiles...and dismantle the Catholic Church

I'm down with that.

@linxminx I am a bit mroe lenient. Because many child molesters were molested as children, meaning they are behaving as adults modeled thier behavior(s), and it was learned, I'd say save the castration until the second time they get caught. I'd liek to think if they learned the behavior, then hopefully they can unlearn it.


This makes me so mad. If I was Catholic, this shit would make me leave the church!


That is horrendous. I still say that I don't care what you believe but if you are Catholic and walk into one of its buildings for "worship" you are complicit.


Fucking assholes.

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