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Introvert, extrovert, or in-between?

Are you introverted, extroverted, or mixed?

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AustinSkepticus 7 Feb 21

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I have learned to be an Extrovert at times when needed. I have also learned to be highly aggressive when needed.


I am both, but when I am working on a task I prefer that I be left alone. Often when I am interrupted at a task, I experience a flash of anger. (but rarely express it, lol)

Family responsibility often leaves me wanting time alone, whereas when I was single, I would often seek out friends to hang with.


I selected extrovert because I can and do engage strangers in conversation and am called funny by nearly everyone I interact with yet, I must have time alone where I do not interact with any other human.


I am mostly introverted but I do have moments of extroverted display. If it was broken down to basics, I’d probably be an extroverted introvert. I guess I could be an introverted extrovert, but that may be pushing it.


Every online test I've ever taken has given me 50/50. Sometimes I crave human contact and connection other times I want nothing more in the world than to not see another human being for 24 solid hours. Mind you the last one is rare, but it does happen. I've found it difficult to find a happy medium when it comes to having a partner. Either I get constant texts or nothing for weeks.


Introvert, I have the social skills of a cinder block when it comes to being out and about around random people. I can talk with people fine to an extent, but am more reactive than proactive since I never really make any first move to socialize most of the time. Keep to myself, more or less enjoy my time alone, and am only ever with a small few people at a time.


I'm an introvert. I need time on my own (not necessarily physically alone, but to relax and refresh on my own terms) to be sane. Crowds make me anxious, and I prefer socializing in small groups rather than large ones. I work with people all day, so when I get home from work, I have to have some time on my own.


Where are the other extroverts? I'll exhaust the introverts in no time! (;

Zster Level 8 Feb 21, 2018

Just to let you know it's called ambivert. It's a mix of intro and extrovert. Not trying to be a smart ass just wanted to let you know.

No worries. I'm glad there is a word for it. Will write down for future reference.


You Census bro?


When I'm in the mood, I can be the life of the party. The rest of the time, I'd rather be a hermit.

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