What if something happened and it didn't turned well as what u are hoping for or at least even what you expected??
It has, it did, I dumped the asshat, never been happier!
there is no what if, and that's too general to answer. all sorts of thing don't turn out as well as expected. some are important and some are not. some can be shrugged off with an "oh well" and others require immediate and drastic action. there is no one answer suitable for all such situations. so i will make the situation specific: what if you saw a profile of someone who said she was an antitheist and a believer, believing in buddha and jesus, and ended her bio on a site for agnostics and atheists by saying "god bless"? what if?
@erlie03 i am not criticizing you for being a believer. i am criticizing you for saying you are a believer AND an antitheist. an antitheist is someone who not only does not believe but is actively AGAINST religion. you cannot be both. they are opposites. if you say you are both, you either do not know what you are saying or you are not telling the truth.
@erlie03 awfully defensive aren't we? okay, so you don't know what antitheist means and you think you do. i do not buy your explanation and i have neither done nor said anything foul. i'm telling it like i see it. turning it around and asking me if i'm happy in my life is a pathetic tactic.
@erlie03 saying god bless to an atheist is an insult. but you knew that, right? whatever.
I learned it doesn't matter what I expect, shit's bound to happen. So, I just totally gave up on expecting anything and go with the flow. It's generally less stressful.