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He just has a hard time speaking because he has so much knowledge in his ass.


Not surprising, after all he did say Nazis were fine people..


How does this blithering imbecile get to keep being president?! Why doe anyone support him?! What is wrong with the goddamn republicans?! They took a sociopathic game show host with the IQ and skin color of a pumpkin and made him the president!

When and how did this country become the dumbest nation on earth???



He's a fucking whackjob.


Oh don't forget the stable genius part.....


At least our dear leader, Theresa, although misguided and deluded can put a few words together which make sense. I think your guy has lost the plot completely

I'm not sure he ever had the plot.

@HippieChick58 I'm sure he has a family plot..if only he'd jump into it..?


It makes me embarrassed to be an American.

@SeaGreenEyez so so so fucking embarassing..

Trump makes me embarrassed to be the same species, if in fact we are.

@Sticks48 Oh FSM Yes!


OK, what? Really, what? What the fucking fuck what?


Trump just wants to entertain us...and he can’t even do that well! If we can’t make some headway with our elected officials...then we need to come up with another plan and force the people out of their comfort zone!


What the heck was that?? It’s like somebody said “squirrel” and he doesn’t know what’s going on.


He's an idiot.

@irascible In the position that he occupys, he happens to be the most dangerous idiot in the world.

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