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What is the most outlandish or improbable theory you've ever heard? It could be about anything, but since everyone on this site shares a similar mindset about religion, perhaps a theory on something else could be used. I'll start.

I've heard a lot of theories about the seeding of humans on earth, but the one I find most improbable is this:

Several years ago, someone posited that early humans were indigenous to another planet, a planet that already had a dominant species. Some members of this species thought humans were nothing more than annoying, destructive pests and wanted to eliminate them. Other members argued that humans were a sentient species and, therefore, deserved the right to evolve. The result of this debate was that humans were relocated (seeded) on Earth to continue their evolution. The members who defended them also came to Earth to observe their growth. These benefactors of the human race are.......Bigfoot! And they have telepathic abilities which enable them to escape detection by us humans. How's that for outlandish? 🙂

marga 7 Feb 22

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That the Earth is suspended in the middle of another sphere, the sky that we see is its' inner surface.

That's a good one; never heard it before.


Most outlandish non-religious....

  • That Trump is a great president is this year's clear winner.
  • Guns are freedom is the most entrenched.
  • The Illuminati .

There are so many, but the first thing that comes to mind is the whole flat-earth thing.


That the Moon Landing was faked, and the Holocaust didn't happen.
It makes me insane when I hear anyone say that neither of them happened.

Usually Holocaust deniers have a political or social agenda attatched to their denial - they're racists and bigots. They try to justify this hate by suggesting that something did not happen when we have literally (NOT figureratively) TRAIN LOADS of evidence of mass murder on an industrial scale.

Unbelievable. I would have more respect for someone if they just said ' I hate Jews' then to repeat BS in the face of empirical and eyewitness evidence. You probably think the earth is flat, Chemtrails are the government attempts at mind control, Vaccines cause Autism.the south will rise again and Elvis walks among us.

@NFAguy53 I disagree. They never should have been erected in the first place. Many of them didn't go up until well into the 20th Century, as a means to rile up the white folks and keep the black folks "in their place". It doesn't change history at all.
It just puts a stop to the glorification of traitors. Since when does history honor the losers? The Confederacy failed. Fuck 'em.

@NFAguy53 They don't all eat Tide Pods. As for being gun law advocates, they have every right to do that. They're citizens, too. Besides, it's not just "kids" who are in favor of taking those stupid-ass statues and monuments down. They belong in the scrap heap.

@KKGator Been called a Snowflake more than once. - Considering a bunch of the Statues went up in the past century? Well we could do way better with what we promote.

@NFAguy53 So tearing down monuments is "insane"? Um, what?

I would consider honoring your country by defending statues of people who are only remembered for their efforts to destroy that country as far more insane.

@NFAguy53 The only crying I'm hearing is from you...


Oh you know, the usual sort of crazy:

-Flat earth
-Fake moon landing
-Anything Alex Jones says
-Smithsonian hiding the Giant skeletons
-The ancient Sumerians and the whole Anunnaki thing

Though the one that angers me the most have to be that many of these school shootings are some inside job in an effort to take the guns away...which they never do. It's insulting, insensitive, and makes me want to punch said people in the throat for such disgusting behavior towards the victims and their families.


The whole PizzaGate was pretty out there.


9/11 was an 'inside' job. It annoys me because to pull off such a stunt would require such elaborate planning that it would be totally impossible. The makers of "Loose Change' - the 'documentary' about how 9/11 was done must be literally laughing all the way to the bank

My neighbor likes that theory!


I can't think of any non-religion theories, so I will go with a religious one: Jesus died for our sins. I will never understand that one


That the H. Clinton campaign was running a child pornography or trafficking (I've forgotten the details) ring from the basement of a pizza shop. What's really crazy is that a lot of people believed it.

Hey....from the basement of the pizza parlor....which a quick check of building plans showed that the entire building HAD NO BASEMENT. But why let Facts get in the way?


Here is one of my own. Some aliens were passing by our solar system and dumped their toilet into space. It crashed onto earth and all life on earth evolved from that

I swear there's a planet like that in Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy? I always remember the one where all the Bic Pen caps go....?


Most insane one I have ever heard:

accents are caused by a virus. An actual physical virus you could in theory see under an electron microscope. This virus has the ability to kill its rivals. This is how accents spread by direct human breath. If you were raised by someone mute you would have their real accent.

pretty crazy.

Lol what? That sounds like the stupid vocal chord virus from Metal Gear Solid 5 lol. Now I'm caught in a chicken-egg scenerio; was Kojima inspired by that silly nonsense, or did these people play too much MGS5?

@Cynical-lion it can't be, I heard this one like 10 years ago. I am not being fair to my friend he actually really went thru it well and dealt with every objection I raised.

He even had purposed falsifiable experiments involving air circulation between rooms but still sound proofed to show how accent viruses spread. If he is right it will be one of the greatest revolutions in human psychology, I hope he tries to test his theory out one day.


Not the most out there theories but my personal favorite I-want-to-believe theories:

That Stevie Wonder is not really blind. (Seriously. Google it. I don't believe it but want it to be true anyway.)

That New Zealand isn't really a country but a theme park for people to see a nicer non-lethal version of Australia.

And finally that Mike Pence and Gay Mike Pence are the same person.


Trump's latest to arm teachers is a doozy.


That the earth is flat.

JK666 Level 7 Feb 23, 2018

Of recent theories, that the universe is only about 13.6 billion years old and that there was nothing before it, and that is is the only universe that ever has been or ever will be. It is like looking at the horizon and declaring the earth is flat. May be acceptable for a while.


This one isn't deep. It was just unbelievable. I was commenting on a music video. One of the commenters insisted that musician/actor/talk show host Harry Connick Jr. was born and raised in Connecticut and his father was a Sony executive, who made up the story of Harry Connick being from New Orleans to further his jazz career Having grown up in the New Orleans area I had seen his dad on TV many times. Harry Connick Sr. was the District Attorney for Orleans Parish for decades. This man proposed that there was a coverup that involved hundreds, if not thousands of people, covering up Harry Connick Jr. being from Connecticut. He insists that the District Attorney and a Judge lied about Harry being their son. That musicians lied about knowing him as a child in New Orleans. That public records were altered. And Harry learned to talk like someone from New Orleans and keeps it up all the time. He insisted he has school yearbooks to prove it. Actually the only thing he even had going for him with his cock-and-bull story is that Harry Connick Jr. does in fact now live in Connecticut - having moved there after he married and had a family in the 1990s, I believe. No one can convince this man otherwise.

We saw his Dad on TV - from NOLA - here in Connecticut too! Gees....


That the USA could ever elect a president as dumb as trump and that people continue to support him as a good president.,

Pence isn't any better because he is a religious nutcase who does not believe in facts rather myths.


A co-worker of mine is convinced that aliens are actually demons here to corrupt humanity.


If I remember, The Six Million Dollar Man (and The Bionic Woman) TV shows had a similar premise for bigfoot. []

From that wiki page: "...When he awakes, Steve [The $6M Man] learns from Shalon - a female alien - that Bigfoot was built and controlled by the aliens to protect them [the humans]..."

Hey, maybe that's where it originated.....

@marga It would be funny if someone had picked up that TV show and turned it into a belief. But it wouldn't surprise me if the writers of that TV show based those episodes on something else they've heard or read. I suppose the myths of bigfEEt, sasquatchES, abominable snowmen, bunyips, etc. predate the shows.


I think the "Flat Earthers" are the award winners in my book. With all the beliefs they hold to what is somewhat unseen or unknowable. These folk believe what the do in spite of world travel and area photographs, science and the simplest of logic.


Seems legit. 😉


Trump won the election fair and squared.



A friend on the net tried to sell me on wrapping a wire around my big toe and running it out the bedroom window into the ground.

She is my favorite source of Woo. And I'm ok with it because she's really a nice person. Crazy? But nice. And she even sometimes tells me about new Science that is real.


Jesus was dead three days then came back to life.

JohnQ Level 3 Feb 23, 2018

There is a god who cares about you.

JohnQ Level 3 Feb 23, 2018

I know someone who is going to learn how to do mental telepathy with aliens.

JohnQ Level 3 Feb 23, 2018
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