Do you consider yourself a movie buff?
Here is a list of 50 movies. Award yourself 1 pt for each one you have seen.
I have seen 37/50. Who can beat that?
**UPDATE: A couple of you noticed the fine print in the lower RH corner allowing an extra point for each movie in a series.
#13 LTR is a trilogy and #33 SW has a whopping 12. They haven't indicated additional movies for either #21 Jaws or #34 Alien, so we will just count the originals.
So I've updated my numbers now to 46/50.
21/50 but my tastes are more diverse than the list, I have over 380 dvds, 6 flashdrives and about 30 old VHS tapes in my collection at present, all of different genres, etc.
Wow, nice sized collection. Yes the list is limited.
WOW, 380 DVD's! And I thought I had a lot with 86.
@jimdaughters I usually try to buy 2 new dvds every pension day, we can get them for $5 each at a store called Cheap as Chips, mostly excellent quality and some really great movies and docos available.
Why doesn't The Godfather get multiple points for the series? The second one is in some ways better than the first IMO.