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QUESTION The bugs your primate ancestors loved to eat found a way into your genes

This study is potentially important both for understanding primate origins and for thinking about our future as a species. It has been suggested that our grasping hands and acute vision were early adaptations to an insect-eating lifestyle; this research provides some genetic support for those ideas. In terms of our future, many cultures around the world still consume insects, and the United Nations has proposed edible insects as a viable source of protein for our ever-growing world population. Understanding the importance of this resource to our own evolution might open the door to greater acceptance of insects as food – call them part of the original paleo diet.

zblaze 7 Feb 23

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I think I’ve eaten bugs in the past as food. Of Course everyone has eaten something in processed food without even knowing it. But what makes us think that we’re so much above eating other things, lifeforms just because we're human. Mind-boggling.


Hahaha a real paleo diet!


Shades of Stargate Atlantis and the Wraith.


Now I understand why this pastor uses bygone to scare the bugs away


My primate ancestors didn't eat bugs.... lol


I ate ants and other insects as a kid..I tried a cicadia had dropped into my beer..on a dare i ate it..don't eat the geen ones, they ain't ripe.


Well I can say I have sampled some deep fried roaches and crickets and they were not so bad.


That headline had me hoping I'd grow wings or antennae !!

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